Page 25 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
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  SOPHIE STEPS UP                          IMAGINE HEAVEN                         DEAR MARY                              RISEN
           BY                                        BY                                BY                                  BY

      NANCY RUE                               JOHN BURKE                         SARAH JAKES                        ANGELA HUNT

SMS the keyword -                      SMS the keyword -                   SMS the keyword -                   SMS the keyword -
“Sophie” followed by                   “Imagine” followed by               “Mary”followed                      “Risen” followed by your

your name and address to               your name and address to            by your name and address to         name and address to

32697 to enter.*                       32697 to enter.*                    32697 to enter.*                    32697 to enter.*

Sophie LaCroix is a creative soul      All of us long to know what life    Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a     Epic in scope, yet deeply per-
with a desire to become a great        after death will be like. Best-     remarkable example of quiet,        sonal, this novelization offers a
film director someday, and she         selling author John Burke is no     resilient faith and courage in the  unique perspective on the story
definitely has a flair for drama! Her  exception. In Imagine Heaven,       face of adversity. From the an-     of the resurrection. Roman Trib-
overactive imagination frequently      Burke compares over 100 grip-       gel’s first announcement of her     une Clavius is assigned by Pilate
lands her in trouble, but her faith    ping stories of near-death expe-    pregnancy to the death and res-     to keep the radical followers of
and friends always save the day.       riences (NDEs) to what Scripture    urrection of her son, Mary was      the recently executed Yeshua
This bindup includes two-books-        says about our biggest questions    witness to our Lord and Savior in   from stealing the body and incit-
in-one, Sophie Under Pressure &        of Heaven: Will I be myself? Will   a unique and special way.           ing revolution. When the body
Sophie Steps Up.                       I see friends and loved ones?                                           goes missing despite his precau-
                                       What will Heaven look like? What    And as a mother herself, she        tions, Clavius must hunt it down.
Sophie Under Pressure: Sophie          is God like? What will we do for-   speaks to the modern-day mom
and her friends, the Corn Flakes,      ever? What about children and       in a way few have explored be-      His investigation leads him from
are building an elaborate space        pets?                               fore.                               the halls of Herod Antipas to
station in Fiona’s backyard, but                                                                               the Garden of Gethsemane and
telescopes and zero gravity lose       For decades, Burke has been         Writing in the form of letters,     brings him in touch with be-
importance when her friends and        studying accounts of survivors      Sarah Jakes examines the life of    liever and doubter alike. But as
fellow astronauts begin to fight.      brought back from near death        Mary and through Mary, Jesus        the body still remains missing,
                                       who lived to tell of both heavenly  to better understand what a life    Clavius commits to a quest for
Sophie Steps Up: The new Irish         and hellish experiences. While      of faith looks like. Maybe you      the truth and answers that will
student is assigned to Corn Flakes’    not every detail of individual      struggle to trust God’s will for    not only shake his life but echo
drama club, and Sophie wants to        NDEs correlate with Scripture,      your life. Perhaps you have fears   throughout all of history.
learn all about her culture. But       Burke shows how the common          and insecurities that keep you
how can they teach others about        experiences shared by thousands     from realizing the joy God wants
acceptance if the Corn Flakes have     of survivors, including doctors,    for you, or the thought of rais-
trouble themselves?                    college professors, bank presi-     ing little ones overwhelms you.
                                       dents, people of all ages and       Through the example of Mary,
                                       cultures, and even blind people-    discover the freedom that only
                                       -point to the exhilarating picture  true faith can bring.
                                       of Heaven promised in the Bible.

                                       This thrilling journey into the     Giveaways courtesy of
                                       afterlife will make you feel like   Christian Art Distributors
                                       you’ve been there. It will forever
                                       change the way you view the life
                                       to come and the way you live
                                       your life today. You’ll discover
                                       Heaven is even more amazing
                                       than you’ve ever imagined.

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 June 2016 and closes 30 June 2016 and is open to SA Residents only.


There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on the first Fri-
day of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation
or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.

CL                                                                                                       JUNE 2016 | 25
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