Page 24 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
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“Business” followed by “Peculiars” followed “Hands” followed by “Heart” followed by
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The way businesses buy from one Phobias abound at the Centre for My First Hands-On Bible is the The jihadist group ISIS (the Islamic
another has changed profoundly Improved Living, where Nazma preschooler version of the pop- State of Iraq and Syria) has been
in recent years. Markets have goes for help. She’s crazy about ular Hands-On Bible, which has wreaking havoc in northern Iraq and
evolved, disruptive technologies baking and desperately wants to sold over a half million copies. Syria. But its reign of terror is not
have sprung up and buyers’ ex- become a pastry chef, but her Jesus taught with hands-on les- confined to the Middle East. Its 2014
pectations have changed. fear of driving keeps her stuck sons and illustrations. beheadings of American journal-
But despite this, the fundamen- working in a train-station kiosk, ist James Foley and Israeli-Ameri-
tals of business-to-business mar- where she sells stale food to My First Hands-On Bible uses can journalist Steven Sotloff have
keting have remained constant: commuters while dreaming of the same experience-based shocked the world and instilled fear
today’s corporate decision-mak- butter croissants and fresh stru- learning to communicate God’s in the hearts of many Westerners.
ers still need to know who you del. Word in an active, understand-
are, what you do and why you able way. My First Hands-On Bi- ISIS is the most funded, technologi-
matter to them. The Centre is also a lifeline for ble is a fun and simple yet mean- cally advanced, and powerful terror-
Sam, who is scared to death of ingful way to engage preschool, ist organization in history. Its mem-
In Business-to-Business Mar- being robbed and spends his pre-K, and K children (ages 3-6) bers are extremely diverse, having
keting, Mark Eardley and Charlie days in his pyjamas in front of with the Bible while helping been recruited from countries all
Stewart review the basic rules of his computer, his house alarm them build a solid faith founda- over the globe, including Canada,
B2B marketing. always armed. tion. Each lesson focuses on a Britain, and the U.S. Now that ISIS
specific Bible point through a va- has the world’s attention, what’s
They offer guidance on how to: Like the rest of the patients, Naz- riety of activities in order to re- next? Governments around the
ma and Sam want to face their inforce and help young children world have spent billions of dollars
• Motivate your markets to buy fears, but will four weeks at the remember the stories and les- employing military strategies, and
from you, Centre be enough to change their sons. Using common household they are still convinced that ISIS is
lives? And will the two allow items, you can help your chil- mainly a political problem that must
• How to differentiate yourself their budding romance to bloom dren have a “hands-on” learning have a political answer. But what if
from your competitors and without letting their phobias get experience while engaging them the solution isn’t political or military?
in the way? in 85 key stories from the Bible.
• Explain which tactics to use to What if the real solution is spiritual
reach your customers with the Meanwhile, the Centre risks los- My First Hands-On Bible doesn’t in nature? Missionaries from the
right messages at the right time. ing its funding, a fear that Ruby, just retell the Bible stories; it underground church of China, rep-
the Centre’s eccentric director, also includes actual Scripture resented by Brother Yun, “the Heav-
Their step-by-step guide will must face while she tries to man- from the easy-to-understand enly Man”, are launching a spiritual
help your marketing effort de- age the patients’ fears. and easy-to-read Holy Bible, offensive. They are not armed with
liver three critical results – New Living Translation. In ad- a sentence of death but with a mes-
Set in a Cape Town as peculiar as dition to the stories and activi- sage of life, and ISIS jihadists are in
• Increased sales, its characters, The Peculiars is Jen ties, there are fun illustrations, their crosshairs. In ISIS, the Heart of
• Rising market share and Thorpe’s heart-warming and hu- prayers, and a special Jesus Con- Terror, you will learn about the or-
• Rock-solid margins morous debut. nection feature. ganization Back to Jerusalem and its
unique method of responding to ISIS
Written in straightforward, by evangelizing Muslim militants.
punchy language with simple, Learn how Chinese missionaries are
practical take outs at the end of fulfilling the Great Commission by
each chapter, this is a must-have sharing the gospel with some of the
book for anyone involved – in any most unreachable people groups in
way at all – with attracting and re- the world, and discover how Chris-
taining profitable customers. tians everywhere can take part in a
powerful evangelization of the Mid-
24 | JUNE 2016 dle East.