Page 27 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
P. 27

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                             


C ME DANCE                                TREASURE BLIND                          GRAMPS GOES TO                         THE GOD QUESTION
                                                                                  COLLEGE                                DRAMA - PG13
DRAMA/SUSPENSE - PG16 DRAMA - PG13                                                DRAMA - PG13                           25 JUNE
4 JUNE                                    11 JUNE                                 18 JUNE

Sheri is a teenage girl who has           This story is about retrieving a        Ty Bounds is a retired computer pro-   “The God Question” is an intellectual
trained her entire life to dance for the  treasure dating back to the Civil War.  grammer. Following the lead of the     film that broaches the great question:
Pittsburgh Ballet and her dreams are      Cliff Edwards is a taxi driver who      Holy Spirit, he returns to college to  Is there a God? A computer named
coming true. Sheri was raised by her      has a map from the Civil War of         wage war against secular humanism      Ivan is asked the question (yes, asked,
father Vince, since she was a toddler     buried treasure. This plot takes place  and to mentor a new generation in      because this is an intelligent super
after her mother was killed in a car      around the time Hurricane Katrina hit   truth seeking.                         computer that talks back), then the
accident. When Sheri passes out at        Louisiana.                                                                     voice-activated computer asked if it is
a rehearsal and is rushed to hospital,                                                                                   capable of making such a decision.
it is discovered that she has a rare
blood disease and is dying. Sheri
goes into denial and rebels, causing
turmoil, pain and anguish for herself
and her father.

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                          20:00

2 TO TANGLE                               THE ACCIDENTAL                          THE PERFECT                            ANOTHER PERFECT
DRAMA - PG13                              MISSIONARY                              STRANGER                               STRANGER
5 JUNE                                    DRAMA - PG13                            DRAMA - PG13                           DRAMA - PG13
                                          12 JUNE                                 19 JUNE                                26 JUNE

Jess’ true love, Tom, starts appear-      Hollywood “Big Wig” DJ Miller           Have you ever thought what you         Another Perfect Stranger takes up
ing to her after his death. Terrified     heads out on a luxury vacation but,     would do if you got an invitation      the story of the Cominsky family
and confused, she seeks out an            his plans “accidentally” go terribly    to dinner with the Lord? Well, this    ten years after the first film ended.
explanation for these haunting ap-        awry. His journey takes him through     movie is about one woman who           Nikki’s daughter Sarah, now 19 and
pearances. In a surprising twist Jess     the highs and lows of a life that he    received such an invitation. This      heading west for college, is at her
will find out who Tom and what            never knew existed and cause him        movie opens up our minds to a lot      own spiritual crossroads.
Tom really was.                           to rethink the life he has known.       of different thoughts and questions.

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