Page 23 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
P. 23

CL    Goliath was a nine-foot-tall
                    soldier. All the soldiers were
                    afraid to fight him. David was
                     a young shepherd boy who

                            believed in God.

                     David took his sling and five
                    smooth stones. Then he went
                    to fight Goliath.He knew that
                     his strength and protection
                   came from God. David threw a
                    stone with his sling at Goliath.
                     It hit Goliath in the forehead
                     and the giant fell face down.

                   Without a sword in his hand he
                   struck down the giant and killed
                   him. David believed in God, and

                    God helped him win over the

                                                           JUNE 2016 | 23
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