Page 17 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
P. 17

directors why they must employ him or her. Failing to do so adequately may, in some                  Martie du Plessis
instances,result in the candidate not getting the job,even if he or she is technically and
academically qualified for the job.                                                               Educational Consultant and
                                                                                                       Remedial Therapist
As believers, we are children of God and with His Spirit in us are ableto learn new skills,
take steps into the unknown and go places that we never would otherwise dare to go, all               Cell: 082 57 4 14 33
for the sake of being relevant in the Kingdom.                                                         Fax: 086 642 7743
I urge parents and other educators to guide and groom children from a young age to excel
in the skill of public speaking. Also to grow the willingness to promote a cause, product or
value whenneeded. This promotion can be digital where, for instance, writing on a blog,
advertising through web pages, answering product questions through email requires no
public speaking. The more introverted child does not have to be an extrovert to have a
successful business, but he must be willing to take his product to the market. Being aware
of their introverted nature they can compensate by using digital tools to assist in tasks, or
work interdependently with others to do the marketing.

It is clear that other kind of skills are needed for this economy and the typical “naughty,
strong-willed child” might have exactly the skills needed to ‘make it’ in this world

Practical guidance to parents:

1. Communication is a very important skill, so parents must make sure their children can
   speak to others and get, or relay informationade quately, whether verbally or digitally.

2. If a child has unwillingness in doing this, it needs to be exercised in a safe environment,
   namely the home or a small group. Talk to your children in the car, let them tell you
   what they have learnt during the day. Let them record themselves when they speak
   on your cell phone, which will be harder for the introvert.

3. Let you children start with their own businesses even if it the wrong business and they
   might fail. It is what they learn in the process that is important – it is as important to
   learn what you don’t want to do as it is to learn what you want to do as a venture.

4. The character development in the process of mentoring your children is much more
   important. It is not just about making money but about finding your unique place in
   this world and how we can make this world a better place by purposefully interacting
   with God’s people and His gifts. It is about growing the internal qualities for this
   economy, which is, for example, perseverance, dedication, honesty, and integrity.

At the age of fifteen, Jesus became a full-time apprentice in Joseph’s workshop. Apart from teaching
his son the Law, it was a Jewish father’s duty to teach his son a trade. He was a carpenter.
A trade in Palestine was a family enterprise. “As there was no institution for vocational
training, the son would learn the trade through being taught by either his father of
another male relative on the basis of apprenticeship. The instruction method
was essentially oral‘’ (Gunter Krall, Man: Mentoring for Mission).
For years I have advocated that education is simple and it is as a
part of life as eating, drinking and sleeping. However, most
families do not realise the full benefits of it as do not
apply it enough in their daily lives. One reason is that
fathers are not talking enough to their children. If parents
teach their children everything they know, their children
will know more than what they ever could learn in a
school, but often parents fail to do that. My final advice
is to invest in a large family table and use every opportunity
to communicate, to interact and then duplicate through
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