Page 13 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
P. 13

I get asked (usually from Christian media) if I believe Hollywood is anti-    missionaries surround a Third World village, hold up signs, call them
Christian. I understand the question, because it’s pretty easy to see that    names, and threaten to never do business with them? Boy, THAT would
Judeo-Christian values aren’t exactly the hot button these days in the        win them to Christ. Not!
movie and television industries. And yet, to make a blanket statement         What do missionaries do? They work from the inside, building relation-
that Hollywood is the enemy is a big mistake. Recently, I discussed the       ships, earning trust, and becoming one of them. Once they’ve earned the
issue with a major Christian media site, and here’s what I told them. I’d     right to speak, that’s when change happens.
love to hear your comments about my answers:
                                                                              • Let’s preview movies and tell Christians (especially families with kids)
1. What’s your response when you hear Christians complain that Hol-           what’s in them. I’m all for reviews and recommendations that let people
lywood is anti-Christian?                                                     know what’s there so they can decide for themselves. Everyone has the
                                                                              right not to see a movie, but when it comes to major, orchestrated criti-
It certainly hasn’t been true in my experience. Obviously there are people    cism, let’s actually see the movie before we launch a national campaign.
in Hollywood who don’t like religion, just like there are attorneys, school   I’m a firm believer that to criticize a movie, book, TV program or other
teachers, plumbers, and store clerks across the country who don’t like re-    endeavour in the media without actually seeing it is intellectually dishon-
ligion. But in my experience the vast majority of producers, actors, film-    est. When Christian leaders mount massive campaigns against movies
makers, and studio executives in Hollywood are very open. In most cases       they haven’t even seen it really hurts our credibility outside the Christian
(again, like the general culture) these men and women weren’t raised in       bubble.
a Christian home, so they’re largely ignorant of any knowledge about the
Christian faith. But that doesn’t make them “anti-faith.” In fact, I’ve had   • I’d like to see the Christian community criticize less and begin raising
some remarkable conversations with industry leaders about Christianity,       up our own filmmakers, writers, and producers to go into the industry.
and you’d be amazed at the number of highly placed entertainment and          Let’s focus less on making explicitly “Christian” films and more on getting
media professionals who are believers.                                        Christian thinking into mainstream movies. Even with the success of a
                                                                              few movies like “God’s Not Dead,” they’re largely seen by the choir. That’s
2. But what about specific examples of Hollywood being anti-faith?            not influencing the culture. I’m talking about the same strategy the gay
                                                                              community used and it was brilliant. They helped find talented gay film-
I think in most cases, the idea that Hollywood is “anti-faith” is a gimmick   makers, developed relationships with studios and TV networks, men-
used by some Christian organizations to raise money. It’s a well-used         tored them, and helped fund their projects. And just look at the results.
technique in fundraising to create an enemy so your followers will re-        We’re actually in the early stages of that strategy with an organization
spond. I also believe that some Christians can be too quick to use terms      we’ve launched called “The Influence Lab.”
like “mockery” when movies don’t portray Bible stories accurately. Most
filmmakers don’t believe the Bible, but that doesn’t mean they don’t          • Finally (and here’s a novel idea) let’s pray for Hollywood. If we really
see the value in its great stories. However, since they’re not believers,     believe that God answers prayer, what if we started encouraging Chris-
they don’t feel the loyalty to the story that we do, so as creative artists,  tians to pray for the most influential industry on the planet? What if we
they don’t see a problem deviating from the storyline. But it’s not about     started praying for the thousands of dedicated believers working inside
“mockery” or being “anti-faith.”                                              the industry every day? I think that would have far greater results than
                                                                              boycotts, petition drives, and criticism. For help starting, check out The
3. Until 2013, Hollywood rarely touched faith. TV still keeps an arm’s        Hollywood Prayer Network.
distance from religious topics. Why is this, especially in light of the
success of shows like “7th Heaven?”                                           5. What trends, if any, when it comes to film and TV content are trou-
                                                                              bling to you (sex, violence, etc.)?
To be honest, that program was popular an entire generation ago, so it’s
not really relevant to the conversation. Tastes change, culture changes,      A very big issue for me is how technology has made pornography so
trends change, people change – so you can’t really compare what was           readily available to children. It’s not just movies or TV, its video games,
popular 20+ years ago with what’s popular today. Keep in mind that            the Internet, and now mobile devices. I’m stunned at how few parents
Hollywood is a business – not a religious organization, so their goal (like   monitor their children’s computer use or use anti-porn filters on com-
any other business) is to make a profit for their investors and sharehold-    puters. I also encourage parents to never allow young people to have
ers. Creative people create based on what they know, and frankly, as I        computers in their bedroom. When our daughters were young, we kept
mentioned before, most Hollywood professionals simply didn’t grow             all the computers out in the open where everyone could see what they
up in Christian families, so to produce faith-based programming simply        were doing. The question is – what will a culture look like when boys
isn’t on their radar. One important inroad I’ve made is to point out to       have been raised with pornography so readily available? It will dramati-
studios that Hollywood bends over backwards to reach special interest         cally change their views and expectations of women, and we’re already
groups of all kinds – like feminists, environmentalists, the gay commu-       seeing that evidence.
nity, the military, gamers, etc. – but by the numbers, Christians are the
largest “special interest” group there is. And yet many in Hollywood don’t    6. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned about faith in
understand what makes us tick. There are a handful of us in town trying       Hollywood?
to turn that around, and after years working in the industry, I can say that  Never be afraid to be a Christian in Hollywood. Trust me – there are folks
for the vast majority of cases, it’s simply a world they’ve never grown up    out here who hug trees and worship rocks, so being a Christian isn’t as
in or encountered.                                                            weird as some think. And if you want to make an impact, don’t lead with
                                                                              your faith. Lead with your talent – your acting, writing, directing, or pro-
4. Is there anything Christians do to improve the lack of faith-related       ducing abilities. Once they notice and respect your talent, they’re much
programming in Hollywood (rather than simply complain)?                       more willing to listen to anything else you have to say.

• It’s my position that boycotts, petition drives, etc. are very damaging to
our cause. If that worked, then why don’t missionaries do it? Why don’t

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