Page 16 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
P. 16




                                                                     BY MARTIE DU PLESSIS

“Businessman extraordinaire and investing genius Warren Buffett wants kids to learn about business at a young age – not so they can start
buying stocks with their lunch money, but so they can develop smart habits that will help them in business and throughout their future. Warren
Buffet reckons that when a child between ages 8-10 learns the basics of how finance works and how to behave in a business relationship, he or
she can apply those lessons throughout their lives, not just for business, but for a person’s happiness and even how their families develop”

The reason Buffet gives this advice is purely       During my frequent consultations I remind          Some people do not have the natural ability
because it is relevant for our times. Further-      parents (and other adults responsible for          to promote either a business or themselves.
more, this kind of advice from wise and mature      education) that they are able to influence their   They are either too introverted or nervous, and
business people is also needed since not            children from young to have their own busi-        at times feel “too intelligent” to sell a product
enough time is dedicated during a full school       ness, and also to have them practice different     to others or to talk in front of others. A parent
day to prepareyoung people for this economy.        skills and components required in a business.      with this kind of hesitancywill find it harder
Specialists are not so much in need for this                                                           to guide their child in this economy as they
economy as is the person that is willing to do      Critical to the success of any business are the 4  will only rely on the systems they knew in
anything to put food on the table.                  P’s which make up the standard marketing mix:      such as 12 years of school, a matric certificate,
                                                    Price, Product, Place and Promotion. This          and then a degree. Also, this type of shy child
An unfulfilled person is more likely to take part   simply means that no matter what product or        would do well in academic subjects but when
in violent mass actions than the one who is         business you have, it needs to bepromoted          it comes to expressing themselves, he or she
keeping himself busy with a daily task, bringing    so that people can buy into it. All 4 P’s need     will find it hard to creatively express himself in
in funds needed to help raise a family. It affects  to get equal attention for a business to work.     person and on paper. This person would find it
the morale of a nation if there is no hope to       Others must become aware of your product           hard to sell or promote anything, even though
become effective in applying oneself in your        of have an interest in it or know what kind of     they might have all the knowledge.
giftedness. It is a gift of God to be healthy and   services you are offering. “The marketing mix
we must aim to work with our hands and mind,        refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a   The current world economy requires people to
applying ourselves to our affairs                   company uses to promote its brand or product       be more risk taking, flexible and entrepreneur-
(1 Thessalonians 4:11).                             in the market”(         ial. In some instances companies require pro-
                                                    the-four-ps-of-marketing).                         spective employees to prove to the company
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