Page 27 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 27

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   TRACES OF GUILT                          IS JESUS ENOUGH                       MARRIED AND STILL                     IN DIE VOETSPORE
                                                                                        LOVING IT
     Dee Henderson                            Angus Buchan                                                                   VAN JESUS
                                                                                SMS the keyword -
SMS the keyword -                      SMS the keyword -                        “Married” followed by               SMS the keyword -
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                                                                               Long marriages are a gift… but
A Riveting Cold-Case Mystery          “If you have only Jesus, you have        they aren’t always easy              Stories van Jesus se dissipels –
from Dee Henderson                    more than enough.”                                                            van die Bybel tot die 21ste eeu.
                                      Is Jesus enough for you? Can you         You know yourselves better.          “Gaan vertel die wêreld van My.”
Evie Blackwell loves her life as      with absolute certainty say that He      You’ve learned to cherish the        Dit was Jesus se opdrag aan ge-
an Illinois State Police detective    is? Or do you consider Him a kind        small things. You’re past keeping    wone mense. Ménse soos Petrus
. . . mostly. She’s very skilled at   of by-the-way add-on to your life        up with the Joneses.                 wat sy Here verloën het en die
investigations and has steadily       – a nice-to-have, but not a neces-       And yet, anxieties over grown        ongelowige Tomas wat nie wou
moved up through the ranks. She       sity?                                    children, worries about money        glo dat Jesus opgestaan het nie.
would like to find Mr. Right, but                                              and health, and feelings of disap-   Piet Meiring se In die voetspore
she has a hard time imagining         In Is Jesus Enough?, author and          pointment can challenge even the     van Jesus bied jou ’n blik op die
how marriage could work, con-         evangelist Angus Buchan raises           best marriages.                      mense agter die name waarvan
sidering the demands of her job.      your awareness to the fact that                                               jy in die Evangelies lees, soos:
                                      Jesus needs to be your main ob-          In Married and Still Loving It, re-  • Die dissipel Matteus, wat die
Gabriel Thane is a lifetime resi-     jective. He discusses topics such        nowned relationship expert Gary      oud-tollenaar Levi was, wat een
dent of Carin County and now          as unconditional surrender, prayer,      Chapman and Harold Myra, long-       van die Evangelies geskryf het.
its sheriff, a job he loves. Gabe is  humility, worship and leadership.        time CEO of Christianity Today       • Jakobus en Johannes (die
committed to upholding the law        Angus shares true stories of what        International, offer wise counsel    seuns van die donder) wat waar-
and cares deeply for the resi-        the lives of people look like who        and practical insight on making      skynlik Jesus se neefs was.
dents he’s sworn to protect. He       believed that Jesus was enough           your marriage thrive during these    In die voetspore van Jesus vertel
too would like to find a lifetime     for them – from Billy Graham and         years. Real couples share honest-    ook van hedendaagse dissipels
companion, a marriage like his        David Livingstone to personal ac-        ly about their joys and struggles,   wat kragtig van Jesus getuig.
parents have.                         counts of people Angus has met           including Jerry and Dianna Jenkins   Mense soos moeder Teresa en
                                      on his journeys.                         and Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada,     Henri Nouwen, maar ook mense
When Evie arrives in Carin, Il-                                                who talk movingly about their        soos die 30 meisies van Kam-
linois, it’s to help launch a new     Jesus is enough for you and He will      marital journeys.                    pala en rolspelers in Suid-Afrika
task force dedicated to re-exam-      give you more than you could have                                             wat steeds Jesus se liefde uitleef.
ining unsolved crimes across the      ever imagined. Angus reminds you         Married and Still Loving It feels    Daar is ook foto’s van die mense
state. Spearheading this trial run,   that this is indeed a truth you can      like a gathering of kindred spir-    wie se verhale vertel word en
Evie will work with the sheriff’s     hold on to – despite all of today’s      its. It will inspire and equip you   elke hoofstuk sluit af met be-
department on a couple of its         worries, troubles and obstacles.         to embrace the adventures yet        sprekingsvrae.
most troubling missing-persons        Also available in Afrikaans under        ahead, hand in hand with the one     Dié boek wys jou hoe belangrik
cases. As she re-examines old         the title Is Jesus genoeg?               you love.                            die opdrag is wat Jesus vir Sy dis-
evidence to pull out a few tenu-                                                                                    sipels én jou gegee het, en hoe
ous new leads, she unearths a         About the Author                                                              Hy énigiemand kragtig kan ge-
surprising connection . . . pos-      Angus Buchan felt God’s calling on                                            bruik om Sy boodskap uit te dra.
sibly to a third cold case. Evie’s    his life to spread the gospel, and
determined to solve the cases         in 1980 started Shalom Ministries
before she leaves Carin County,       in South Africa. He spends much
and Sheriff Thane, along with         of his time writing, recording TV
his family, will be key to those      messages and traveling around the
answers.                              world preaching. He is a full-time
                                      evangelist and sought-after speak-
                                      er. Angus lives with his wife, Jill, on
                                      Shalom farm in the KwaZulu-Natal


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or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
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CL                                                                                                   AUGUST 2016 | 27
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