Page 32 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 32

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                        
DRAMA - PG13                                                                  20:00
                                                                                 THE RIVER WITHIN
                                                                                 DRAMA - PG13
                                                                                 14 AUGUST

A desperate man asks a man with a secret, Where Was God?                      Jason returns home to get away while he studies for the upcoming bar
To the outside world Pastor Thompkins has it all—a loving wife, a beau-       exam. After visiting his oldest friend, a “coulda-been-girlfriend” who is now
tiful daughter and a thriving ministry. However, a member of his flock        engaged, and a pushy preacher, his easy going summer becomes filled
sees past the exterior to the turmoil and frustration within. Mr. Johnson     with unwanted drama. Over the few months he’s there, he begins to ques-
intends to test the pastor’s faith, not in the Lord’s House, but in his own.  tion what life is about, and what is his purpose in it?

In a search for answers, Mr. Johnson takes the pastor hostage in his own
basement, rigging the pastor’s house with explosives. Both men carry a
burden that they cannot lay down and their inner demons have driven
them to the brink of destruction. With only an hour to convince him that
God exists, Pastor Thompkins sets out to save his family, as well as Mr.
Johnson’s soul.

NIKKI AND THE PERFECT STRANGER                                                CLASS OF 91
DRAMA - ALL AGES                                                              DRAMA - ALL AGES
21 AUGUST                                                                     28 AUGUST

The third and final chapter in the ‘Perfect Stranger’ movie trilogy; based    Class of ’91 is the story of Roger and Diane Wagner who give a new
on the novels by David Gregory.                                               meaning to the term self-absorbed.

Nikki Cominskey, now in her 40’s and no longer a high-powered attor-          Their 20th high school reunion is coming up and they can’t wait to im-
ney, finds herself once again at spiritual crossroads, wondering where        press their classmates with their worldly success. Then the unthinkable
her closeness to Jesus has gone. On a late-night interstate trip, burned      happens as Roger loses his management job and the Wagner’s empire
out and hopeless, she wails her complaints to God. Running out of fuel,       comes tumbling down. When he’s offered a job as a community center
she finds Jesus once again — on the roadside with a can of gas.               director, Roger and Diane must come to terms with their new life. Do
                                                                              they embrace or reject it? Their response may surprise you.
The ensuing trip becomes an evening full of answers, intervention and
adventure — beyond anything Nikki ever could have imagined.

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