Page 31 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 31

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                         
DRAMA - PG16                                                                  20:00
                                                                                 DRAMA - PG13
                                                                                 13 AUGUST

Jackson and Tony are two retired buddies who met in the army in               Three very different soldiers, held hostage in a small, dank prison cell, share
Vietnam.                                                                      their stories with one another before they meet their ultimate end. Who
                                                                              will survive? Who won’t make it? Who will be changed forever?
Tony, a devout Christian, although perhaps a member of the frozen
chosen, has been witnessing to Jackson since they occupied adjoining          Private Aaron Phillips is a young, green solider on his first tour of duty,
beds in a military hospital. Jackson, who becomes a science teacher           when he is taken hostage by the enemy.
after his tour of duty, has successfully repelled Tony’s personal applica-
tion of the Great Commission.                                                 Lt. Steven Hill is a soldier in the Reserves that has been called up to active
                                                                              duty, when his unit is ambushed. Sgt. Bryan Monroe is a veteran soldier on
When Tony’s granddaughter moves in with Tony to attend college, the           his fourth and final tour of duty when he falls into enemy hands.
dynamics of the relationship between the two best friends changes
drastically. The unexpected arrival of an attractive woman complicates        These three men share the story of their last day at home before shipping
things even more, jeopardizing their status as “best friends”.                out. Each story affects each of them in a different way. “Home Front” is a
                                                                              touching and emotional look at the lives of three very different soldiers, as
 THE PLAYBOOK                                                                 they wait to find out their fate.
 20 AUGUST                                                                    NO LOST CAUSE
                                                                              DRAMA - PG13
                                                                              27 AUGUST

Steven Thomas strives to live a worthy life, loving father and basketball     A young, Agnostic woman is bound to a wheelchair after a car crash
coach. However, the lack of communication he shares with his son as           leaves her paralyzed. Now, Beth Ann Collins is forced to live with her
he reaches his mid-teens causes him to drift away from the family and         estranged Christian father, Billy, living with the fear that she will never
their faith.                                                                  be able to walk again.

Father and son resolve just before a tragedy causes the family to begin       Irate and confused, she takes her anger out on her father, her new
to unravel. As the father begins to lose his grip on everything he knows      idealistic acquaintance Nick, and God. While Beth Ann is determined to
and loves, it is through the love and kindness of his sons basketball         remain locked in her bedroom, Billy and Nick help her realize that God’s
team, and in particular, his son’s best friend, himself now fatherless, that  love for her is unending. She comes to accept Christ into her life and
helps him use his basketball playbook to rekindle his spiritual worthi-       with that, love is redefined for her.
ness and be the father and role model that he was meant to be. Thus
not only inspiring his basketball team to realise that there is more to life                                                                         AUGUST 2016 | 31
than winning, but to also get his life and family back on track.

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