Page 26 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 26

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     THE MIRACLE AT                         COUNTED WITH                    NOT ALL ROADS LEAD TO                     GOD’S NOT DEAD2
        A WEDDING
                                               THE STARS                              HEAVEN                            Travis Thrasher
SMS the keyword -
“Wedding” followed by                   SMS the keyword -                    SMS the keyword -                     SMS the keyword -
                                        “Stars” followed by                  “Roads” followed by                   “Dead” followed by
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The story about Jesus’ first mira-
cle.                                   Sold into slavery by her father      “In Not All Roads Lead to Heav-        God is not dead . . . but Tom Endler
                                       and forsaken by the man she was      en, Dr. Jeffress has given the         doesn’t believe it.
Adi is extremely excited. Her big      supposed to marry, young Egyp-       body of Christ a great tool. The
brother is getting married and         tian Kiya must serve a mistress      exclusivity of the Christian gos-      Hope Springs, Arkansas, seems an
she’s finally getting a sister-in-     who takes pleasure in her humili-    pel is not just a theological issue    unlikely setting for a battle over
law! Everything seems perfect.         ation.                               to be debated, it is the heart and     religious freedom, but the conflict
Nothing can spoil the occasion,        When terrifying plagues strike       soul of the gospel.”--Dr. David        that started at a small local col-
until something very bad hap-          Egypt, Kiya is in the middle of it   Jeremiah, senior pastor, Shadow        lege has spread to a high school
pens.                                  all.To save her older brother and    Mountain Community Church;             campus, where a young Christian
                                       escape the bonds of slavery, Kiya    founder and president, Turning         teacher named Grace Wesley is on
The groom, Ben, has made a big         flees with the Hebrews during        Point Ministries                       the hot seat with the school dis-
mistake in the quantity of wine        the Great Exodus.                                                           trict for talking about Jesus in her
he ordered for the wedding feast.                                           Almost 60 percent of those in          classroom. Tom, a young lawyer
Will this mistake spoil the cel-       She finds herself utterly depend-    American evangelical churches          on retainer by the teacher’s union,
ebrations? Will it ruin their fam-     ent on a fearsome God she’s only     believe that many religions can        is tapped to represent Grace in
ily’s reputation? Luckily for them     just beginning to learn about, and   lead to eternal life. But if Jesus is  her fight for her First Amendment
there is one very special guest at     in love with a man who despises      to be trusted when He says that        rights.
the wedding who can do some-           her people. With everything she’s    no one comes to the Father ex-
thing to save the day.                 ever known swept away, will Kiya     cept through Him, the church is        But Tom has his own challenges.
                                       turn back toward Egypt or sur-       failing in its mission. And it’s not   His father thinks he’s a failure, and
The Miracle at a Wedding tells         render her life and her future to    hard to guess why. An exclusive        his grandmother doesn’t recog-
the story of Jesus’ first miracle      Yahweh?                              Jesus just isn’t popular in our in-    nize him when he visits her. Tom is
and is part of the Jesus’ Miracles                                          clusive world.                         grateful for the billable hours, but
Series. In this series, your kids get  He took him outside and said,                                               he’s fighting for a cause he doesn’t
to meet the people behind the          “Look up at the sky and count the    True compassion for non-Chris-         even believe in. Soon Tom’s ad-
stories and witness Jesus’ mira-       stars--if indeed you can count       tians lies not in letting them go      vocacy leads him to Amy Ryan, a
cles as told from the unique per-      them.” Then he said to him, “So      their way while we go ours but         reporter and former skeptic who
spective of a child.                   shall your offspring be.”            rather in sharing the only true        found faith after battling cancer
                                       Genesis 15:5                         way with them. Dr. Robert Jef-         and watching the classroom battle
The complete Scripture pas-                                                 fress calls on Christians to re-       unfold at Hope Springs College a
sage from John 2:1-12 about this       About the Author                     cover the exclusive claims of the      year ago. Tom discovers the truth
miracle appears at the back of the     When she is not home-schooling       One whom they trust as Lord and        about that case while also discov-
book.                                  her two sweet kids (with a full pot  Savior, not as a way to keep peo-      ering more about what genuine
                                       of coffee at hand), Connilyn Cos-    ple out of heaven but as the only      faith looks like.
Also available in Afrikaans under      sette is scribbling notes on spare   way to invite them in. He tackles
the title ‘n Wonderwerk By ‘n          paper, mumbling about her im-        questions such as                      Tom, the unlikely hero, seems
Troue                                  aginary friends, and reading ob-                                            destined for failure as he takes on
                                       scure, out-of-print history books.   • Can people be saved who have         a case he surely can’t win. But as
About the Author                       There is nothing she likes better    never heard of Christ?                 the disbelieving lawyer, the strug-
Austin Sailsbury is an American        than digging into the rich, ancient  • What about those who worship         gling journalist, and the perse-
writer and creative consultant         world of the Bible and uncover-      God by another name?                   cuted teacher share experiences
currently living and serving as a      ing buried gems of grace that        • Do all children go to heaven         from their pasts and struggles of
missionary in Denmark. For over        point toward Jesus. Her novel        when they die?                         the present, they become reluc-
ten years he has worked simulta-       Counted With the Starswon the                                               tant allies in their journeys toward
neously in the fields of ministry      2013 Frasier Contest and was a       If you want to confidently and         faith. God’s Not Dead 2 tells the
and media – striving to inspire        semi-finalist in the 2013 ACFW       compassionately share the one          story behind the blockbuster film,
others through the power of            Genesis Contest. Although a Pa-      true way of salvation with those       going deeper into the characters’
stories. He also writes songs and      cific Northwest native, she now      in your life, or if you simply need    backstories, and finishing with a
plays for children.                    lives near Dallas, Texas.            to restore your confidence in the      triumphant picture of the victory
                                       Connect with her at :                gospel message, this is the book       that comes from true belief in the
                                          for you.                               face of adversity.

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 August 2016 and closes 31 August and is open to SA Residents only.

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