Page 24 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 24
I’ve been reading with some amusement about the “outrage” from Chris- You don’t have to go far to read about Christians in other countries who
tians over the recent Saturday Night Live satire of the movie “God’s Not are experiencing real persecution. Mothers being raped in front of their
Dead 2”. Sure there’s a few cringe moments that sting, but let me offer husbands and children. Fathers executed in front of their families. Be-
a different thought about the sketch: Consider that for something to get headings. Rape has become a weapon of war in the ISIS effort to stamp
on Saturday Night Live’s national stage means that it’s made a significant out any trace of Christianity in the Middle East.
dent in the culture. For a movie to get parodied on that show means it
broke through and captured an wide audience. After all, SNL doesn’t joke But in the United States, Christians are outraged when we’re made fun of
about issues their viewers haven’t heard anything about. in a comedy show. It’s no wonder the culture doesn’t see much reason to
listen to our message or seek us out when times get tough.
God’s Not Dead 2 suffers from issues that most sequels suffer from
(“Hey, the first movie made a lot of money so quick – let’s come up with Certainly our rights as Christians in this country are being infringed on
a follow up.”) It wouldn’t necessarily have been my personal answer to a regular basis, and every day, Christians face a culture that’s growing
the cultural issue it highlights, but it was a box office success. And rather more and more hostile. And this isn’t to criticize those on the front lines
than complain that SNL is making fun of the film, I’m thrilled that the of those very real battles. But whining about every little slight doesn’t
movie generated such a buzz that SNL felt they needed to respond. help. In fact, it just emboldens the critics to keep pushing.
The bottom line is this: If Christians get so offended at every little slight, How about this: Instead of whining and complaining, what if we started
what do we possibly have to offer the world? If we have so little back- doing such remarkable things in the culture that the world would be
bone when the going gets tough, why in the world would anyone seek forced to re-think who we are and who the God is we serve? Through-
our help when they experience times of trouble? out the New Testament book of Mark, people were astonished because
Jesus’ teaching “had authority.”
24 | AUGUST 2016