Page 20 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 20

FAITH DOME                                                                  


   In the previous Faith Dome update news, we shared the story of Nehemiah
   and how the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in just 52 days. It seems that with
   modern technology things take a little longer, but nonetheless we give God all
   the glory. We are currently standing at day 442 since the project commenced,
   and the last of the supporting beams are being bolted into place. Next to
   come is the insulation and the cladding to see this phase of the construction
   complete. There have been some unexpected delays, and the weather has
   not always been in favour of the construction, but we have forged ahead and
   praise the Lord for what has been accomplished.

   The budget is currently just 1,47% short of the final goal that translates to
   R 438 588 of the total project budget of R30 million! We believe in God’s big-
   ger plan in making this a soul-saving facility! The support for God’s vision has
   been overwhelming. The team of Faith Broadcasting is extremely privileged
   to have so many like-minded people at their side and is honoured to call
   them friends! We praise God for such faithful partners. There are daily calls
   and emails from people all over the world who are pledging support, both in
   prayer and finances, for the Faith Dome project. We know that God commands
   His blessing where there is unity, and so together and united we believe to see
   the project complete in the very near future.

   For all of us at Faith Broadcasting Network this is so much more than a dome,
   and we thank you for supporting us in our vision. The roof covers a space
   where the “real work” is done and where the Great Commission from Jesus
   finds expression in what we do. All our partners are faithful in their prayer and
   financial support, and share in the labours for the Kingdom. We know that God
   will richly bless those that are concerned with matters on His heart!

20 | AUGUST 2016
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