Page 15 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 15
One morning he found his Cessna in a terrible state. Sharing God’s love
The elevator of the plane was severely damaged, the fi- through aviation
breglass scratched off and the metal bent. After further
investigation, he realised that hyenas were the culprits. Our vision is to see isolated people physically and spiri-
Tanzanian mythology typically relates hyenas to black tually transformed in the name of Jesus Christ and for all
magic. It is commonly known that certain tribes in Tan- people to have access to both the gospel and resources
zania will ask witch doctors to use hyenas to cause de-
struction in communities. The attack on MAF’s Cessna that advance God’s Kingdom.
cannot be concluded as an act of witchcraft, but MAF
knows only too well the work they are doing is moving Extend God’s kingdom through aviation
spiritual mountains and breaking strongholds, and no Provide an efficient and effective air service to the
principality or power of darkness would be pleased church, non-profit organisations and individuals
with this kind of progress. Witness the Gospel of Christ
Strategically position our staff for ministry and witness
Kirstein says, “It’s easy to think there are no big stories worldwide
here, nothing exciting. There are no major disasters or
refugee camps that we have to respond to. This kind of Then I heard the
work is more difficult to quantify.” voice of the Lord
saying, “Whom shall
“What we’re doing here,” he explains, “is a more sus- I send? And who will
taining work, helping people have a better life, having
a lasting impact on the survival of children by getting go for us?”
vaccines out to the people, and helping women have And I said, “Here am
safer deliveries.”
I. Send me!”
MAF is concerned about eternal value and not just
meeting the immediate physical needs of people. Lives - Isaiah 6:8
are not just physically saved; they are spiritually trans-
formed for eternity. It’s a calling in Christ and there’s Serve with MAF
extreme value in continuing to do the work we do.
We need all people, young and old, with various skills to serve
- Written by Gabriella Craparo, Marketing Coordinator with us!
Volunteer opportunities in South Africa:
Help with church/school presentations; air shows; fundraising;
packaging of magazines (Joburg only); fundraising. We need
medical practitioners to volunteer their time and fly with on
medical outreaches. We also need prayer intercessors and peo-
ple to do outreaches to rural communities.
Missionary *opportunities around the world include:
Mission Pilots; Senior Flight Instructor; Experienced Aircraft
Engineers; Country Director; Finance Manager; IT Manager; HR
Manager; Chief Engineer; Quality & Safety Manager; Area IT
Manager; and many more.
* Please note missionary opportunities are self-supporting roles,
meaning you need to raise your own monthly support.
006-942 NPO
T: 011 659 2880 W:
F: 011 659 2885 F: MAFSouthAfrica
Block 816/3 (ground floor right), Hammets Crossing Office Park,
Fourways, Johannesburg
We are multiplying the effectiveness of the church using
aviation and logistical support, to help overcome barriers in
reaching the world for Christ.
CL AUGUST 2016 | 15