Page 12 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 12



                                                                                                                                    COMPILED BY CHER MURPHY

“Life” in the most desperate of human situations.

The new movie directed by Bruce Marchiano “Alison’s Choice”.

Bruce Marchiano is an actor, author, and international speaker best known       Marchiano is also the founder and president of Marchiano Ministries, a
for his actor’s portrayal of Jesus in the Regardt van den Bergh film, The Gos-  non-profit organization principally involved in South Africa where Bruce
pel of Matthew. A highly acclaimed Gospel film that introduces people to        conducts crusades and outreaches, and provides humanitarian support to
an impassioned, intimate, and joyous Jesus, Matthew has been distributed        impoverished and at-risk children in the NW Province.
across the globe, and has been used by numerous ministries, missionar-
ies and churches for outreach and Bible study. Biblica (International Bible     Marchiano’s newest film, Alison’s Choice, marks his directorial debut, and
Society) reports that DVD distribution in China alone has long surpassed        the message of the movie has been in his heart for more than a decade. “I’ve
1,000,000 copies.                                                               always wanted to do a film about Jesus’ care, involvement and compassion
                                                                                in the midst of our human struggles.” Alison’s Choice is the story of a young
As a popular Christian speaker in the USA, Europe, Australia, etc., Marchiano   girl struggling with an unwanted pregnancy. She opts for abortion and there
has ministered the love of Jesus in every imaginable setting from churches,     in the clinic has a miraculous encounter with the Lord who has come to
universities, banquets, conferences… to prisons, high schools and stadiums.     plead for both her life and the life of her baby.
His message consistently centres on the person of Jesus—His heart, His love,
His joy and goodness. Consequently, he has witnessed hundreds of thou-          “I felt it was important to introduce the heart of God - what would He say
sands of people come to Jesus as Saviour and otherwise be overwhelmed           about it? What is He doing while we are all arguing about it? “
by His love.
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