Page 13 - MyFaith Mag August 2016
P. 13

“I can think of no deeper struggle than a mom making a decision over the           MORE ON MARCHIANO…
life of her baby. It’s a decision millions of moms face every day so to say it is
a relevant theme is an understatement. At the same time, most all we hear          As an author, Marchiano has penned several books on the life and person of
around this theme is political argument. I felt it was important to introduce      Jesus. Among them are Jesus Yesterday, Today & Forever, Jesus Wept, and
the heart of God - what would He say about it? What is He doing while              the bestselling In the Footsteps of Jesus, all of which have been honoured
we are all arguing about it? I can’t speak for Him but my best guess is He’s       by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association as Gold Medallion Fi-
pouring out His heart to these moms (and dads); His heart for them and             nalists. Marchiano’ s most recent releases are The Character of a Man, a
for their baby”. But Alison’s Choice is about more than just this theme. It’s      character profile of Jesus as the model of true manhood; and Jesus, the
about the depth of His love and care for each of us no matter our anything.”       Man Who Loved Women, an exploration of Jesus’ heart for women.
Marchiano also produced and wrote the screenplay as well as reprising the          Marchiano’ s acting credits span decades and include numerous television
role of Jesus.                                                                     shows and independent films including Murder She Wrote, Colombo, L.A.
                                                                                   Law, Days of Our Lives; The Girl on Green Street and Final Solution, to name
“With no investors I reached out to the public, and everyday people from all       only a few.
over the world donated. The USA, Canada, South Africa, Chad, Netherlands,
Romania, UK, Singapore, Australia, Argentina… you name it. Now the Lord            Marchiano’ s many Christian and Biblical films are too numerous to list.
is touching lives all over the world – all because of that “great gathering”       Popular titles include The Encounter, The Legend of the Candy Cane, Out of
of givers. They are the heroes of Alison’s Choice. They are the ones we ap-        Jerusalem, Faith Happens, Road to Emmaus, The Last Supper, Encounter II,
plaud!”, says Marchiano.                                                           For Love’s Sake, Revelation Road, Come Follow Me, My Son My Savior… to
                                                                                   name just a few. Marchiano holds the distinction of portraying Jesus in more
When asking Bruce what message he has for South African viewers spe-               films than any actor in history. It is a distinction he holds as a great honour,
cifically, he added, “It’s funny because I’ve been asked this question many        having witnessed countless lives drawn to Jesus through these films.
times over the many years I’ve had the pleasure of making films and doing
ministry in SA. I remember my first interview when I was asked this. That          WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN!
was back in 1993 in a small radio station in Cape Town. My answer today
is the same as then: He loves you. There is nothing you can do to lessen               Stand A Chance of winning 1 of 3
that or make it disappear. He “hand-formed you in your mother’s womb”                  copies of “Alison’s Choice”,
- you’re His “baby” so to speak. And His hope for your life is beyond your             by sending your name, physical
widest imaginings. We need only come to Him with our everything and                    address and contact number to:
never stop coming to Him... and thereby step into the fullness of all His    
heart is filled with... for you. This was the message of my first film, shot in        with the subject line
SA, “The Gospel of Matthew.” And this continues as the message of “Alison’s            MyFaith Mag.
Choice.” Glory to Jesus! “.

Filled with humour, colourful characters, and Marchiano’ s trademark care
and compassion, Alison’s Choice is being heralded as “a clear message of
healing and hope;” “the most powerful film about the sanctity of life ever

This is ultimately a story of the Lord’s remarkable grace, love, passion;
hope, healing and “life” even in the most desperate of human situations.”,
concludes Marchiano.

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