Page 18 - MyFaithMag MAR 2018
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LATEST                                              DSTV CHANNEL 341

          IT IS THE MISSION OF CHRISTIAN ART MEDIA TO DISTRIBUTE THE FINEST IN CHRISTIAN                                         MAR2018
                                                                                                                                 HIGHLIGHTS                                                              FAMILY OF NETWORKS

                                                                                                                                  FAITH WORX                                           HEALING YOUR SOUL

                                                                                                                                  WITH ROSHAN SING                                     WITH KATIE SOUZA

                     GOOD NEWS                           PSALM 23                         RECKLESS LOVE
                   REND COLLECTIVE                      LOUIE GIGLIO                   CORY ASBURY (BETHEL)
                      - MUSIC -                        - SERMON DVD -                       - MUSIC -
         Featuring the joy, hope and attitude of celebration that fans have come   You've probably heard these treasured words before. Psalm 23 is one of   Cory Asbury is a worship leader, songwriter and pastor who joined the
         to expect, Rend Collective brings us their 6th studio album, Good News.   the best-known, most often-quoted passages in Scripture. And, there's   Bethel Music Collective in May of 2015. Cory’s third, highly-anticipated
         "In the middle of such devastatingly bad news, we don't want to just sing   a beautiful reason why. In this five-week journey through the 23rd   solo album, Reckless Love will release January 2018. The album’s title
         Good News, but follow the example of Jesus and actually BE Good News   Psalm, Pastor Louie Giglio and Passion City Church lead us through the   track released in October and is rapidly becoming a worship anthem
         to hurting people," says band member Gareth Gilkeson. The album is full   promises of the Good Shepherd, who commits to guide, restore, comfort   sung in churches around the world. His previous solo albums, Holy and
         of worship anthems that explore the depths of grace and the power of   and provide for us - for all of our days, in every season.  Let Me See Your Eyes, include well-known songs “Where I Belong”, “So
                   reconciliation in salvation.                                Good to Me”, “Always Faithful” and “Jesus, Let Me See Your Eyes”. Cory
                                                                               is featured on Bethel Music’s Have it All album with his song “Son of   Faith Worx understands that God wants each of us to grow to the   Healing Your Soul – Real Keys to the Miraculous.  Katie Souza’s
                                                                                   God”, as well numerous IHOP-KC compilation albums.
                                                                                                                                 full potential that is on our lives so that each of us can take our   unique  perspective prepares you to live victoriously every  day!
                                                                                                                                 rightful place in the Body of Christ to build His Kingdom.  Learn how a healthy soul can change your life.
                                                                                                                                 Watch Faith Worx on Wednesdays at 21:00             Watch Healing Your Soul on Saturdays at 23:00

                                                                                                                                 *Please see TV Guide for Repeat Times.

                    INTO THE NIGHT                 THE HIGHER EXPERIENCE            TOP 25 GOSPEL PRAISE SONGS
                  SOCIAL CLUB MISFITS                 KELONTAE GAVIN                       MARANATHA!
                      - MUSIC -                          - MUSIC -                          - MUSIC -
         Social Club Misfits is back with their brand new studio album INTO THE   In 2013, at the mere age of 14, Kelontae Gavin was videotaped in a   Maranatha! Music presents Top 25 Gospel Praise Songs - Decades, a
         NIGHT. With 13 tracks, and several special features from artists such as   high  school  cafeteria  singing  "I  Won't  Complain.".  His  performance   new collection of their best Gospel worship recordings past and present.
         Danny Gokey, Jordin Sparks and Tauren Wells, INTO THE NIGHT picks   went viral and a million views later, he is now one of the most buzzed   This 2-CD set is a must-have featuring Gospel legends to the voices
         up right where the hip-hop duo’s last release,  The Misadventures of   about new voices in Gospel music! This young phenom possesses the   of today including Jonathan Butler, Morris Chapman, Donn  Thomas,
         Fern and Marty, left off. Fans can expect the innovative beats and witty   stage presence and vocal finesse of an artist twice his age. THE HIGHER   Bishop Joseph Garlington and many more! A part of the popular Top
         rhymes that the Misfits have become known for, on tracks like “Lucky,”   EXPERIENCE not only showcases his passionate faith and vast vocal   25 franchise that has sold nearly 2 million units since its inception, this
         “Dive,” and pop-anthem “War Cry,” but they can also expect to hear   range, but also his preacher-like oratorical skills. This riveting recording   brand extension will continue the best-selling tradition. Top 25 Gospel
         some exciting new sounds as the band explores more of their Latin   boasts an exciting blend of the Pop pageantry of Hillsong United coupled   Praise Songs – Decades is packed with unforgettable Gospel songs of
         heritage for the first time in “Tuyo” and “Solo.” Marty and Fern share,   with the fiery Pentecostal fervor of a take-no-prisoners band. Destined to   praise & worship that you will want to sing along to, on Sunday and
         "We wanted to make an album that really embodied who we are and   be a huge hit, "No Ordinary Worship" was one of Billboard's most added   every day.
         what we believe in. This album is about being a light no matter where   songs in its first week at Gospel Radio, and it will soon be the calling
         you are in life. We approached every song with this idea to challenge the   card of KELONTAE GAVIN. This debut album also contains many other
         stereotypes of what a “Christian artist” is supposed to be.” The result is   standout tracks, which will definitely provide listeners with THE HIGHER
            the genre-hopping, high energy, album: INTO THE NIGHT.  EXPERIENCE they've been craving!

             ARTIST MICHAEL W                                                    Multi-Platinum, U.S artist, best-selling             FAITH ON FIRE - GET READY TO CONNECT
               SMITH RELEASES
        MICHAEL W SMITH  TWO ALBUMS IN ONE                                       releases for the first time in his career two,   Faith on Fire - Get Ready to Connect, provides a unique opportunity to hear from the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers,
                                                                                 author and acclaimed actor Michael W. Smith
                                                                                                                                       18-25 MARCH 2018 | HOSTED BY DR ANDRE AND JENNY ROEBERT
                                                                                 all new albums in one month, both his studio
             MONTH, INCLUDING
                                                                                 album A Million Lights and the live worship
            A MILLION LIGHTS &
                                                                                                                                 and worshippers who have come together to impart the Word of Faith and to demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit through signs,
                                                                                 album Surrounded from Rocketown Records
                                                                                                                                 wonders, and miracles.
             SURROUNDED. BOTH
                                                                                 through Christian Art Media
                   MARCH 2018                                                    and  The Fuel Music, distributed into  Africa   Faith Broadcasting Family of Networks will serve as a catalyst to not only carry His manifested Presence & Glory through the airwaves
                                                                                                                                 but spark fires of revival from the southern tip of Africa to the ends of the earth.  Viewers are encouraged not to spectate but to get
                                                                                                                                 ready to connect.
                                                                                                                                 Please visit for more information on the speakers. Watch Faith on Fire from 18-25 March 2018. Broadcast on all
                                          Tel: +27 16 440 7000 • Fax: +27 16 421 1748                                            channels for 24 hours daily.
                    Email: •
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