Page 15 - MyFaithMag MAR 2018
P. 15


          When Bell began experimenting with electrical   Although  Alexander  Graham Bell  is  most
          signals, the telegraph had been an established   often associated with  the invention of the
          means of communication for nearly thirty   telephone, his interests were extremely varied.
          years. Although a successful system, the   According  to his  biographer, Charlotte  Gray,
          telegraph (sending Morse code), was limited   Bell's  work ranged  "unfettered  across  the
          to receiving and sending one message at a   scientific landscape" and he often went to
          time. Bell's experimentation was to find a way   bed voraciously reading the Encyclopaedia
          of transmitting multiple messages over the   Britannica, scouring it for new areas of
          same wire at the same time, hence the name   interest. His other patents included inventions
          "harmonic telegraph" to describe his early   for phonographs, the hydrofoil (and other
          experimentation.                           aeronautical inventions), a metal detector and
                                                     selenium cells.
          By  October  1874, Bell's  research  had
          progressed to the extent that he could inform    The life of Alexander Bell is a testimony to the
          his future father-in-law (Gardiner Greene   power of the human mind and the potential
          Hubbard) about the possibility of a multiple   that is locked up on the inside of each human
          telegraph. Seeing the potential Hubbard    being. The only requirement is a thirst for
          gave Bell the financial backing he needed.   knowledge and the quest to find the answers
          Bell continued with his work together with   and solutions to our dreams and vision. King
          Thomas Watson, a young electrician whose   Solomon made this remark, “Sell everything
          services  he  had  enlisted.  While  working  on   and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding!
          the ‘multiple telegraph’, Bell and Watson were   Don't forget one word! Don't deviate an inch!
          simultaneously exploring the idea of developing   Never walk away from Wisdom - she guards
          a device that would transmit speech electrically.  your life; love her - she keeps her eye on
          In March 1875 Bell visited the famous scientist   you. Above all and before all, do this: Get
          Joseph  Henry  (director of  the  Smithsonian   Wisdom! Write this at the top of your list: Get
          Institution) to ask his advice on the electrical   Understanding! Throw your arms around her -
          invention that Bell hoped would transmit the   believe me, you won't regret it; never let her go
          human voice by telegraph. Henry replied that   - she'll make your life glorious. She'll garland
          Bell had "the germ of a great invention". When   your life with grace, she'll festoon your days
          Bell said that he did not have the necessary   with beauty.” (Proverbs 4:5-9 The Message).
          knowledge, Henry replied, "Get it!" Spurred on   Well, what are you waiting for? Don’t you have
          by Henry's positive opinion, Bell and Watson   some experiments waiting?
          continued their work.

          Alexander Graham Bell's notebook entry
          of  10  March  1876  describes  his  successful
          experiment with the telephone. Speaking
          through the instrument to his assistant, Thomas
          A. Watson, in the next room, Bell utters these
          famous first words, "Mr Watson, come here, I
          want to see you."
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