Page 14 - MyFaithMag MAR 2018
P. 14


                                                                                           Waldo Malan

               A RINGING SUCCESS

                                   ne of the greatest 19th Century      1999), Alexander  Bell considered  his most
                                   inventions that still finds prime    famous invention an intrusion on his real work
                            Oplace in modern communications             as a scientist and refused to have a telephone
                             technology is the telephone. While telephonic   in his study! (Could modern day cell phone
                             communications have evolved in parts of    fanatics learn a lesson from this?)
                             the world from copper  wire to  satellite and
                             fibre-optic  variations, the principle  of sound   In  1872  Bell  became  professor  of  Vocal
                             transmission remains as one of the foremost   Physiology and Elocution at the Boston
                             tools in global communications.            University School of Oratory, where he
                                                                        was excited to also be in a city full of many
                             The inventor of the telephone is the famous   scientists  and inventors. He continued  his
                             Alexander Graham Bell, born on 3 March 1847   research in sound, particularly to find a way to
                             in Edinburgh, Scotland. Both his grandfather   transmit musical notes and articulate speech.
                             and father were authorities in elocution   Although he was committed to his research
                             and speech correction, and Alexander was   he found it difficult to devote enough time to
                             groomed to pursue the same career from a   experimentation since his days and evenings
                             young age. His knowledge of the nature of   were occupied by teaching and giving private
                             sound saw him becoming a teacher to the    classes. The only solution for Bell was to stay
                             deaf (the fact that both his mother and wife   awake late into the night, running experiment
                             were deaf certainly played a role in choice of   after experiment; he was concerned that his
                             career), and also assisted him in the invention   work would be discovered and took great
                             of the telephone. According to Elizabeth   pains to lock up his notebooks and laboratory
                             MacLeod, author of  Alexander Graham Bell:   equipment.
                             An Inventive Life (Toronto: Kids Can Press,

                                         "THE LIFE OF ALEXANDER BELL IS A

                                          TESTIMONY TO THE POWER OF THE
                                         HUMAN MIND AND THE POTENTIAL

                                          THAT IS LOCKED UP ON THE INSIDE

                                                             OF EACH HUMAN BEING."
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