Page 13 - MyFaithMag MAR 2018
P. 13


                          WE NEED TO ENERGETICALLY FACE

                             ALL OF OUR OBSTACLES WITH A

                           QUIET CONFIDENCE THAT WE ARE
                           ACTUALLY IN CONTROL OF THEM.

                    feel like I am in a hole with no light at the end   complex problems or abstract dreams. In
                    of the tunnel. Everything is just too much. I   our lives we need to pause and allow God to
                  I feel like I’m under so much pressure. How do   help us make sense of our present conditions
                   I get my monthly budget to work? It can wait   and then actively implement our attempts
                   until tomorrow. Do these statements sound   at a solution. Procrastination  simply will not
                   familiar? Perhaps too familiar?            work. We need to energetically face all of our
                                                              obstacles with a quiet confidence that we are
                   We  are  living  in  increasingly  difficult  times,   actually in control of them. Take stock of who
                   politically, economically and spiritually. One   you are in the first place and how wonderfully
                   of the obvious results is mounting financial   you have been created.
                   pressure on each of us. This is particularly
                   acute for those of us who fulfil the role of head   Joseph was also consistently prepared to
                   of our particular households and, indeed, our   publicly explain his solutions. This implied that
                   businesses. I have found that we can draw a   he had a solution in the first place and had
                   lot of inspiration and lessons from the life of   sufficient clarity to articulate his understanding
                   Joseph, who became the executive premier   of the problem and his methodology to solve it.
                   of all the land of Egypt of old, second only to   This is an important lesson because, too often,
                   the president of that time, Pharaoh. Egypt was   we can see our obstacles, such as worsening
                   faced with looming economic difficulties and   economic times, but we simply do not know
                   Joseph’s brief from Pharaoh was quite simply   how to react and therefore do not...  to our
                   to solve the problem. He was not given much   peril. There is always a solution. We just need
                   more detail than that. These lessons, I firmly   to find it!
                   believe, will help us all in these challenging
                   times. In the next series of articles I would like   Nowhere in the account of Joseph’s life is
                   to focus on some of these. Although they may   there any suggestion of timidity. Let’s face it,
                   not all be strictly financial in nature, I believe   he was placed before some powerful people
                   that their application will have, as one result, a   and yet he was prepared to speak his mind,
                   positive financial effect.                 albeit with diplomacy. This implies that under
                                                              pressure situations, he was confident that he
                   One of the basic tenets of Joseph’s success   was correct. He knew, and was prepared to
                   was the bold and diplomatic application of   publicly admit, that his wisdom came directly
                   Godly wisdom in his life. He seemed to display   from the throne-room of God and this was
                   an ability that nobody else had. He was always   a fundamental building  block of his personal
                   prepared to provide a solution to seemingly   success in his future.
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