Page 17 - MyFaithMag MAR 2018
P. 17


                         ow are we really supposed to know    doesn’t only apply to sermons – that’s just an
                         what anyone else is saying nowadays?   example. What about the media (what music,
                   HSure we think we know what people are     movies, TV etc say to us), politicians, friends/
                   saying but do we really? So what are we to   family etc?
                   do? How do we communicate effectively? And
                   how do we become discerning when we are    Another big thing I’ve learned about
                   “communicated to”. Well here are one or two   communication is making sure I’m being
                   points that I’ve learned in my life.       understood when I say something. I can’t even
                                                              tell you how many times I’ve been misquoted
                   Zzzzzzzzz I can already see some people    and misunderstood. Not always my fault but
                   nodding off saying, “yeah, yeah communication   there are many times where my less than
                   schlommunication blah blah”. But wait, listen?   phenomenal communication skills have led to
                   Are we ready to be communicated to by the   me being misunderstood (hopefully that’s not
                   media, politicians (elections are coming up),   happening now). And I’ve had to learn how
                   even pastors/ministers etc. I mean some    to make myself clearer so people know what
                   people are gifted speakers but do we make   I mean when I say something.– so I need to
                   the effort to think about what they’re really   be clear when I say something and careful
                   saying. I’ve heard some really gifted speakers   how  I  say  it.  TV  shows  –  especially  sitcoms
                   which make you feel “wow” after a sermon but   use this  idea to great effect. Often they  will
                   upon reflection they haven’t said much more   use situations of miscommunication to make
                   than, “The cat sat on the mat.”            a scene funny and one of the main reasons
                                                              its funny is because we know that that kind of
                                                              thing happens. Picture this: two people are in a
                   One of the points that I’ve learned in life is   room, a third person is outside listening to the
                   critical thinking. Huh? “What does that mean?”   situation  and  misunderstands what  is going
                   you  ask. “Am  I  supposed  to criticise  my   on. Which either produces funny or disastrous
                   thoughts?” “Hmm that ice cream looks nice...  consequences. We’ve all seen it.
                   no! Stupid thought! You’re worthless, get out
                   of my head!”                                I read about a survey recently where people
                                                              did a test with emails. In the survey 90% of
                    No, that’s not what I mean. Critical thinking is   the people thought they were clear about what
                   kind of like putting a spam filter in your brain.   was  said  and  meant.  However,  when  tested
                   It sorts out the good from the bad, the wrong   only about 50 % had actually understood the
                   from the right. It engages your brain into gear   messages. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
                   as opposed to parking it in neutral. I mean the
                   basic rule is – don’t believe everything you hear/  So let’s be more proactive in our communication
                   read. There’s a good start, put that one in your   – remembering that communication is a two-
                   brain and your spam filter’s working already.   way thing. Let us have our spam filters turned
                   You see this even goes for when you’re hearing   on at all times. We need to be wise…even us
                   a sermon. You don’t disengage your brain just   young okes. Another thing is making our and
                   because it’s a Christian thing or just because   everybody else’s lives (especially our parents)
                   the Dominee is saying it. On the contrary think   easier by being careful about what we say and
                   about it. That doesn’t mean be sceptical about   particularly how we say it. Miscommunication
          just think about it. The big test   can cause unnecessary problems in our lives
                   is does it measure up with the Bible? Is it in line   with our friends, family, girl/boyfriends etc.
                   with what God is saying in the Bible? Because   On the other hand good communication can
                   remember I can quote Bible verses that seem   ensure we do not mislead or are not misled
                   to back up what I’m saying about just about   by  others.    One  of  my  favourite  verses  on
                   anything. But is the scripture I’m quoting in   communication especially as a Christian is 1
                   the right context? In other words is what the   Peter 3:8-18. Well…go on, look it up…I’m not
                   person is saying/preaching about lining up with   going to just give it to you…don’t be lazy.
                   what God is saying in those verses? But this
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