Page 26 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 26
Sound Mind Book Marked Scene - it
Dove Award nominated Planetshakers Band Without Rival by Bevere Lisa I AM POTENTIAL
has a new album out, the project titled
Overflow was recorded at the Planetshakers There is a reason we look at others as rivals Patrick Henry Hughes ( Jimmy
annual spring conference in Melbourne, and limit ourselves to comparison and Bellinger) was a talented musician
Australia and features 15 new songs that competition. We have an enemy assaulting who always wanted to be a part of
were co-written by the band and produced our mind, will, and emotions in the hope something bigger than himself. He
by worship leader Joth Hunt. Planetshakers that we’ll turn on ourselves and each other. dreamed of one day joining the U of
will also release a deluxe edition of the pro- It’s a cycle that isolates us from intimate L marching band but there was one
ject that includes seven music videos from connections, creates confusion about our problem: Patrick Henry was born with
songs on the album, including a live version identity, and limits our purpose. In Without out eyes or the ability to walk. Before
of the radio single “I Know Who You Are”. Rival, bestselling author Lisa Bevere shares he was even born, his father Patrick
how a revelation of God’s love breaks these John (Burgess Jenkins) had his own
“Overflow captures a week of ‘God-mo- limits. You’ll learn how to stop seeing others goals for Patrick Henry. Now, he must
ments’ that were recorded live from the as rivals and make the deep connections sacrifice all that to help his son achieve
2016 Planetshakers Conference,” explains with your Creator you long for--connections his dream. This is the inspiring true
Planetshakers Church Senior Pastor Russell that hold the promise of true identity and story of sacrifice, perseverance and
Evans. “It was an incredible experience. On intimacy. realizing one’s potential.
the one hand, there may have been 15,000
registered attendees singing praise anthems With biblically sound teaching filled with
such as ‘River’ and ‘Come Right Now’… then prophetic insight for our day, Lisa uses humo-
on the other hand, there were such intimate rand passion to challenge you to
worship moments that it felt like it was just
you and Jesus in the room. Our prayer is that • Flip rivalry so it brings out the best in you;
this collection of songs blesses and uplifts • Stop hiding from conversations you need to
your spirit and puts the focus heavenwards.” be a part of;
• Answer the argument that says women
are unfit, easily
deceived, and
• Dismantle
gender rivalry
and work with the
men in your life.
It’s time to step
forward to live a
life without rival.
26 | NOVEMBER 2016 All products available at CUM Books and other leading retailers