Page 23 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 23

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50 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW                          GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE                         THE BLESSED CHRISTIAN LIFE
         ABOUT HEAVEN                                        Angus Buchan                                    Compilation
            Dr John Hart
                                                  SMS the keyword -                              SMS the keyword -
SMS the keyword -                                 “Impossible” followed by your                  “Blessed” followed by your name
“Know” followed by your name                      name and address to 32697 to                   and address to 32697 to enter.*
and address to 32697 to enter.*

We all want to know what happens after we         Our God is a miracle-working God               The Blessed Christian Life is a compilation
die. Will we go to heaven? What will we do                                                       of three celebrated Christian classics and
there? Will we see our loved ones? More           God of the Impossible by Angus Buchan is       their timeless messages surrounding Chris-
and more people are asking questions about        a special book of testimonies reflecting the   tian living.
heaven and don’t know where to find the           goodness and grace of God in the lives of      How to Succeed in the Christian Life (first
answers.                                          ordinary people. It shares some wonderful      published in 1906) by R. A. Torrey outlines
                                                  answers to prayer concerning all kinds of      the basic principles of the Christian faith so
It turns out the Bible is filled with answers to  situations – salvation, healing, deliverance,  that believers can enjoy a rewarding and
your most important questions, explaining         financial provision, and so much more.         successful Christian life. The practical guide-
what heaven looks like, who will be there,                                                       lines also encourage readers who feel like
and how to get there in the first place. In       People knew that Jesus was God because         they have not fully attained the Christian life
50 Things You Need to Know About Heaven           of the miracles He performed in Bible times    they desire.
readers will find clear explanations of these     and still performs today. The 40 true stories
passages, giving them an honest and beauti-       that Angus recounts in God of the Impos-       According to The Practice of the Presence
ful picture of their eternal home.                sible will get readers thinking about God’s    of God, (first published in 1692) aspiring to
                                                  amazing power. The book is also rounded        union with God is the ultimate goal of every
The book answers 50 questions about heav-         off by personal testimonies.                   soul. It renders the simple wisdom of Broth-
en that are supported by Scripture. Each an-                                                     er Lawrence accessible to every Christian
swer in 50 Things You Need to Know About          Our God is a miracle-working God and God       who yearns for the fullness of life.
Heaven provides comfort and peace in the          of the Impossible tells of what He is capable
truth about heaven.                               of doing in the lives of ordinary people when  A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life (first
                                                  they put their faith in Him.                   published in 1875) by Hannah Whitall Smith
                                                                                                 is a spiritual classic that prompts readers to
                                                  Also available in Afrikaans under the title    always follow God’s will and divine guid-
                                                  God van wonders.                               ance, and to weigh up everything in life
                                                                                                 against Scripture.

                                                                                                 The Blessed Christian Life is perfect for both
                                                                                                 new believers and those mature in their faith
                                                                                                 who long to be reminded of the victory they
                                                                                                 have gained in Christ.

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 November 2016 and closes 30 November 2016 and is open to SA Residents only.

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