Page 18 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 18


Dear boys and girls,                                                             BY ESTHER SAUNDERS

Have you ever noticed how different people are? God made many differ-            HyoelupgueivvseetoruysuthninidntegahrlewsltoBeaDunidberdolahearae.nLnHadodretrfltsdopo.,lAlusomsewrtevoyneodyuooroutuewraicbthheisntgins
ent types of people all around the world, with different cultures and dif-
ferent lifestyles. Some are tall. Some are short. Some eat different foods.
Some wear different clothes. Some talk different languages. Some act
differently. Some have different colour skin. Even Lyric and I look very
different from each other – even though we both have our daddy’s
smile. People all around the world are all different and unique in their
own special way. That’s how the good Lord made us. But we all have
one very important thing in common though; God loves us all equally
and we are called to be part of His family.

Recently Lyric and I learnt a new song at church called My God is good
O. It’s a song all the way from West Africa and has many different lan-
guages (English, Tshiluba, Swahili and Zulu) in it. It is a lot of fun to sing.
Do you know any Christian songs in any other languages? We want to
praise the Lord in as many languages as we possibly can.

Jesus died for people everywhere, those in different countries, who
speak different languages and come from different tribes. Jesus loved
them all and in the same way He wants us to love everyone too. Next
time you see someone different, don’t be afraid, show them that you too
are a Christian full of God’s love.
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