Page 13 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 13

Social media is powerful. Recently journalists lost their jobs
over their reckless use of words on social media. I have watched
leaders bring pain to people by posting their opinion on
social media

I find it fascinating that many people who handle social media for very        to share our journey. In post-op recovery we did a “Praise God – this
large churches and ministries find it difficult to share their faith on their  journey is over!” type of post, thanking God for His goodness and faith-
personal SM platforms. And others do it in an incredibly obnoxious way.        fulness.
But every new technology gives us another possibility for telling the
greatest story ever told, but we have to do it with honesty and sincerity.     A few hours after arriving home (off the high of the Praise God post),
                                                                               Rocco’s temperature sky-rocketed, and we found ourselves headed
Krysta Masciale, CEO of Big Deal Branding puts it this way: “For me, it’s      back to Children’s Hospital. So at 2am we shared our pain and asked
important that I share as much on social media as I would in person.           for prayers. At 3am, the fever broke. Then what we thought would be a
Since I don’t speak about my faith until I’ve gained trust and been given      couple day recovery, turned into weeks, with multiple posts saying things
permission to do so in a relationship, I use that same philosophy with my      still aren’t working.
SM accounts. Also, know your audience. If Christians follow you and are
expecting spiritual insights, GIVE IT TO THEM. If not, be aware that you’re    I remember thinking, I don’t want to be Debbie the Downer. Do people
building a relationship, not trying to sell a car.”                            really want to know about my son’s bladder? To my surprise they did.
                                                                               When we shared updates on social media, both our Christian and
Krysta is exactly right. So I asked Kristen Tarsiuk, Creative Director + Com-  non-Christian friends would reach out letting us know we were in their
munity Pastor at Liberty Church Brooklyn to give us some suggestions           thoughts and prayers. And when we shared the good news that Rocco
about sharing our faith without screwing up the message. Here’s her tips:      was healed – both are Christians and non-Christian friends celebrated
Social media can be an extremely powerful tool, or noise. It can be a          with us.
communication channel where we share our humanity encountering
Christ, or it can be a polished pic from the platform. Social media can be     Be humble and human. Share the less than perfect moments of life.
a celebration of the goodness of God, or a “look how good I look” selfie.      Our weaknesses are the perfect platforms for God’s strength. Share that
The choice is always ours. Here are three tips on how to share your faith      story.
on social media authentically.
                                                                               3. Remember someone is always listening
1. Be relatable
                                                                               The Apostle Paul wrote, “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but
As a pastor and creative director, I could post pics of creative meetings      not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not
or me working on my message. My journey as a pastor, though unique,            everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the
is significantly less relatable to most people. So for the past two years, I   good of others. – 1Corinthians 10:23-24 (NIV)
have chosen to share my journey of faith as a mom on social media.
                                                                               Yes, we have the right to emotionally process on social media. But is it
It never fails, each week the posts I share of my son are conversation         beneficial? Yes, we can post selfies and polished pics of ourselves. But is
starters with other moms in my neighbourhood and church. It opens the          it constructive?
door for trust and connection, and ultimately me sharing my reliance on
Jesus, or an invitation to church.                                             Social media is powerful. Recently journalists lost their jobs over their
                                                                               reckless use of words on social media. I have watched leaders bring pain
Ask yourself, is what I am sharing relatable to non-believers? Not every       to people by posting their opinion on social media – not understanding
post needs to point to the Gospel, but think about the story you are           the weight of the conversation they entered, or the hashtag they used.
telling.                                                                       As believers, we are called to be a light. It is so important that we think
                                                                               before we post. Don’t lose your testimony over a hashtag or a flippant
2. Post the pain                                                               tweet. Ask yourself, is this for the good of others, or am I just venting?
                                                                               Delete the vent, post the good.
Don’t be afraid to share those less than perfect moments of life, espe-
cially the ones when you personally need God to show up.                       I encourage all of us to use social media as a tool to share our faith. Be
Christians suffer. Non-believers suffer. Pain and suffering are a universal    relatable. Share your humanity. Think before you post – because some-
experience.                                                                    one is always listening.

A few months ago my 3-year-old son had bladder surgery for a condi-            NOVEMBER 2016 | 13
tion he has had since birth. My husband and I utilized our social feeds

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