Page 10 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 10



                                                                                               BY ANGUS BUCHAN

     Proverbs 29:18 (NKJV) says, “Where there is no revelation, [a]          An English country cobbler had a desire to preach the gospel in
     the people cast off restraint;”                                         India. He went with his family and it cost him a terrible price. He
                                                                             lost his wife and most of his children to sickness, but he never
     In other words, if you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it. People,  went back to England and at the end, that simple cobbler, just a
     especially young people are looking for opportunities in life and       man who repaired shoes, he couldn’t even make shoes, started
     are sincerely seeking truth and righteousness. I have just returned     translating The Bible into the most difficult languages, e.g. San-
     from doing a tour of most of the major university campuses in           skrit, Hindustani and many others. His name was William Carey. He
     South Africa and every single time, I have seen young people who        fulfilled his vision and as a result multitudes of people in India, the
     are seeking fulfilment, who are seeking direction, who are seeking      most populous country in the world, can read about Jesus Christ in
     a challenge, and a reason to live. They need a vision.                  their own language. Follow your dream.

     You see it is vision that gets you out of bed in the morning. It is     I meet a lot of people who are very down hearted at the moment,
     vision that keeps you physically and spiritually in shape. That is      because of the current situation in the Country, in fact the situation
     why The Bible says that where there is no vision the people perish      in the world at large. But we as “Followers of the Way,” must see
     (They actually die). If you do not enjoy your work, then please         the climate in the world as a great opportunity to use for fulfilling
     change your occupation. You say you can’t, because your mother          our vision, a time to be used miraculously by our Heavenly Father
     and father have spent a lot of money on your education. Well your       to shine out for our Saviour.
     mother and father are not going to be here forever, but you are
     going to be here for a lot longer time than them. You need to tell      We have a faithful saying at Shalom, “We must attempt things for
     them in love, that you are not fulfilled in the work you are doing      God that are so big, that if they are not from Him they are doomed
     and you want to persevere and fulfil the calling of God in your life.   to fail. Why? You might ask. Because if they work, people will
     If that is to grow food to feed the hungry, or to minister medicine     know that the vision was from God, because man is not capable of
     to the sick, or to teach the illiterate how to read and count, and      doing such great miracles.
     most of all to tell the folk about Jesus Christ, then that is what you
     must do, because you will be doing that for the rest of your life.      God bless you
                                                                             Angus Buchan
     We spend more time at work then doing anything else in our lives
     as human beings. It is imperative that your vision is something                                    
     that excites you and motivates you. I can honestly tell you, my
     dear friend, that I am living my dream and by the grace of God my
     vision is being fulfilled. May the Lord bless you as you follow your
     heart and see your vision become a reality.

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