Page 8 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 8



                                      BY JOYCE MEYER

We all have the same amount of time – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And the longer I live, the more I discover that time is too
           valuable for us to waste any of it. That’s why it is so important that we learn to live on purpose, for a purpose.

The truth is if you make wise decisions now, you will have a better future. But if you waste your time now, you will have regrets. And regrets are
terrible because you can’t go back and do anything about them.

That’s why we need to do the right thing when we have the opportunity to do it instead of blaming our circumstances or how we were raised or
how the world is for the way that we live. We can learn how to co-operate with God and make changes that will make something good happen
in our lives.


Ephesians 3:20 is an exciting verse people like because it says God “is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all
that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams]”(AMP). But if we stop there, we don’t fully see what this
scripture is saying. It goes on to say “according to His power that is at work within us.”

God is able to do great things as His power works in us and through us! So it’s not just about God doing things for you – He wants to do things
through you. We are meant to be partners with God who participate in His plans, not merely spectators.

We have to stop wishing life would change and start taking action! We need to pray, spend time with God and study His Word, and as He speaks
to our hearts, we need to step out in faith. I want to encourage you not to let fear keep you from moving forward. If you are afraid of mak-
ing the wrong choice, then make a determined decision to take a step of faith – do it afraid! – and trust God to show you if you’re going in the
wrong direction. Because sometimes we can’t find out what the right direction is until we step out and find out.


In Proverbs 1:1-5, we learn some of the main ways we hear God’s voice as we seek Him. Verse 4 says, “That prudence (good judgment, astute
common sense) may be given…” (AMP).

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