Page 4 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 4

From the                                                                                            Waldo Malan | Editor
    I believe God created earth and its environment for the
    crown of His creation to inhabit with carefree joy and                             Melanie Flanegan | Sub-Editor
    childlike abandon. With the advent of disobedience,                            
    we find ourselves still in the same place but with a
    few unalterable truths: hard work and toiling the land                         Jayson Duncan | Graphic Designer
    replaced carefree abandonment.                                                   
    The places God created for us are varied and wonderful
    and we can choose to live from the hottest desert           Johandre Janse van Rensburg | Graphic Designer
    to the most arctic of regions; most of us prefer the                             
    comfortable zone in the middle. Due to modern politics
    our choices are sometimes limited by the place of our                            Rudi Le Roux | Graphic Designer
    birth, and sometimes then we ‘import’ exotic reminders                           
    into our homes of places we dream about – enter the
    interior decorators!                                                         Anadore Kenny | Online Publishing
    We spend enormous amounts of money and time                                           
    on finding the right spot for just the perfect home, to
    be decorated with the ideal balance of furniture and                                        Pat Kruger | Advertising
    decorations. Sometimes we are even found to be                                    
    bragging about stuff that will rot away after we’re gone.
    But industries and careers are built around our pursuit of                                             Publishers: River Media
    geographical and comfort perfection.                                                  Address: P/Bag X9027 | East London
    Jesus ignores all of this and spends an enormous                                  5200 | South Africa | +27 (0)43 711 4800
    amount of time on mountainsides, on the lake of
    Galilee, and walking the streets of Israel sleeping                                        Website:
    wherever He can find a place. His apparent disregard                        Facebook:
    finds expression when He declares that He is going to
    prepare another place for us, since this earth is bound                            Twitter:
    for destruction. Talk about a different perspective!
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