Page 22 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 22


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BACKWARDS BEAUTY                                    THE THREE HEAVENS                                ONLY 24 HOURS
   Jessie Minassian                                        John Hagee                                 Kevin DeYoung

SMS the keyword -                                   SMS the keyword -                                SMS the keyword -
“Backwards” followed by your name                   “Three” followed by your name                    “Hours” followed by your name
and address to 32697 to enter.*                     and address to 32697 to enter.*                  and address to 32697 to enter.*

If ten girls were asked to describe the “per-       BATTLES ARE RAGING BETWEEN ANGELS                Put an end to “busyness as usual.”
fect” girl, they would likely rattle off an eerily  AND DEMONS OVER YOU
similar list of qualities - from hair, skin, and                                                     Sometimes being busy seems like the theme
weight to a cute button nose. That’s a prob-        John Hagee’sbreathtaking biblical tour of the    of your life, and it’s overwhelming. At other
lem, because God has given girls a desire to        three heavens takes you inside the timeless      times, telling people you’re busy makes it
be desirable. If girls think that they will be      clash between the Kingdom of Light and the       sound like you matter – as if you are extra
most wanted if they fit a one-size-fits-all         Kingdom of Darkness and explains why that        important. Either way, a crazy busy life isn’t
image of “perfection,” they will continually        battle makes all the difference in this world    what God intended when He sent His Son to
chase that proverbial carrot their entire lives.    and the world to come.                           give you life to the full.

Backwards Beauty examines ten cultural lies         In The Three Heavens, Hagee uses the Word        Who better to write on busyness than a
young women listen to regarding beauty              of God, science, and incredible true sto-        best-selling author, full-time senior pas-
to help them unpack how they’re look-               ries of the supernatural to explore the First    tor, conference speaker, loving husband,
ing at themselves through the wrong lens.           Heaven. He then exposes Satan’s diabolical       and dedicated father?! It’s no wonder Kevin
The “tips to feel ugly” range from “compare         tactics in the Second Heaven and how they        DeYoung knows how to break the “busyness
yourself to every other girl” to “eat junk and      affect each one of us. Finally, he looks at the  as usual” mindset – he’s had years of experi-
diet, diet, diet.”                                  deep riches of the Third Heaven and how our      ence being way too busy!
                                                    hope of that eternal home changes our life
Reading a book by Jessie Minassian is like          on earth.                                        With his trademark humour and winsome
sitting down with a friend and talking about                                                         candour, Kevin helps you find a better way
the hard things in life. Girls will be able to                                                       forward in his book, Only 24 Hours!. Offer-
find freedom and hope in the midst of a cul-                                                         ing ways to tackle your schedule, sugges-
ture that idolizes beauty.                                                                           tions to reclaim your sanity, and a lot of en-
                                                                                                     couragement to remember your soul, Only
                                                                                                     24 Hours! strikes the desperately needed
                                                                                                     balance between doing nothing and doing
                                                                                                     it all.

                                                                                                     Also available in Afrikaans under the title Net
                                                                                                     24 uur!


There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on the first Fri-
day of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation
or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.

22 | NOVEMBER 2016                                                                         
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