Page 31 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 31

19:00                                              This month you will be blessed by:

Faith Broadcasting Network brings the best of local
           churches into your living room.

DURBAN CHRISTIAN CENTRE                                                                      CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CHURCH
JOHN & JOY TORRENS                                                                           AT & NYRETTA BOSHOFF
6 NOVEMBER                                                                                   13 NOVEMBER

Pastor John and Joy Torrens are committed to raising-up God’s winning, end-time              Pastor At is the senior pastor of CRC. He is an executive member of the Interna-
team for the purpose of seeing heaven on earth and the glory of His Kingdom cover-           tional Federation of Christian Churches and is described as focused, passionate and
ing the world.                                                                               fervent in his hunger for the Word of God and explosive in his dynamic teaching of
                                                                                             it. His dynamic, bold and practical messages are equally refreshing in relevance to
We are a family of Christians who love God and care for each other. We hope that             authenticity and doctrinal accuracy.
you will make DCC your church where your spiritual life and that of your family will
be strengthened. In addition, you will experience a family atmosphere where we               Pastor Nyretta developed a passion for teaching the practicalities of Christian
express our love in practical ways when it is needed most.                                   living; and does so with great aptitude and success. She heads up the Creative Arts
                                                                                             ministry and directs the very successful Music ministry of the congregations in
There are a team of pastors and elders, whom you will meet, who are ready and able           Bloemfontein, Pretoria and Johannesburg. . Beside her exemplary support of her
to serve you and your family. Most all we want to see you grow in the things of God          husband’s international and national ministry, she speaks at Women’s conferences,
and have an influence much further than your own home, by touching the lives of              heads up the women’s ministry, ministers to the CRC pastor’s wives, organises and
others when they see what God has done in your life.                                         co-ordinates various CRC events and is a brilliant mother and homemaker.

NEW BEGINNINGS CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH,                                                      EMMANUEL CHURCH WINDHOEK
JOHANNESBURG                                                                                 MATT & LISA LUDICK
NICKY & LILLIAN VAN DER WESTHUIZEN                                                           27 NOVEMBER

   Apostle Nicky’s dynamic and relevant preaching and teaching of the Word of God            Emmanuel Church is a Bible-believing, Christ-centred and Spirit-driven church.
   has made him a much sought after speaker in both Christian and secular contexts           Whilst we have a passion for the lost and broken, we make every effort to reach the
   across the globe. He is particularly noted for his insight and revelation on topics such  lost through missions and to reach out to our fellow believers in love. We have a
   as: Grace, the Supernatural, Prosperity, Faith, Leadership and Church Structure. Many     mandate to not only to impact our neighbourhood, but our city, our country and our
   people’s lives have been impacted through his national and international ministry.        world.
   In addition he has significant business acumen and is the Founder and CEO of three
   companies. One of his passions is to develop and equip leaders across the continent       Matt Ludick has been the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Church since 2004. He is mar-
   of Africa in both the corporate arena as well as the body of Christ to develop a          ried to Lisa and has three beautiful daughters, Mignon, Alexa and Klarissa, as well as
   legacy for generations to come. This is the fulfilment of a mandate from God.             a son, Edwin Bo, who is their youngest. He has a passion for God, God’s glory and is
                                                                                             devoted to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He enjoys fishing, whether it be at Von
CL                                                                            Bach dam or fishing for Jesus!

                                                                                                                                                               NOVEMBER 2016 | 31
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