Page 34 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 34
Your Premier Christian Network
now streaming on Truli!
on-demand programming and 2 streaming channels on
LOS ANGELES, CA - Truli Media Group, Inc., parent company of Truli. ABOUT TRULI
com, a global internet TV network featuring inspirational faith and- Truli Media Group is led by Michael Jay Solomon, a veteran TV
family entertainment, today announced that FAITH BROADCASTING entertainment executive who has served as the Founder, President,
NETWORK will begin streaming FaithAfrica (Africa and International Chairman and CEO of several of the largest US television syndication
platform) and FlowTV (United Kingdom platform) on and international media and content distribution companies. He is
On-Demand original programs and specials will also be added to joined by a seasoned management team including the founders of
Truli’s platform. several publicly and privately held companies, TV production and dis-
tribution executives, digital content aggregators, digital marketing and
FAITH BROADCASTING NETWORK underscores the commitment to web technology experts. Truli Media Group has offices in Los Angeles,
being a relevant voice in a society that needs to know God’s unchang- Dallas, Miami and Denver.
ing message of hope which is reflected in their programming. FAITH
BROADCASTING NETWORK is broadcast through FaithAfricaDSTv Safe Harbor Statement:
341, FlowTV (Sky UK 595) covering the United Kingdom and parts of This news release contains statements that involve expectations, plans
Europe, as well as FaithTerrestrial (Sentech Southern Africa). FaithA- or intentions such as those relating to future business or financial
frica has exciting global partnerships with major Christian television results, new features or services, or management strategies. These
networks and an extensive lineup of the most in demand international statements are forward-looking and are subject to risks and uncer-
programmers, original shows, Christian movies and children’s content. tainties, so actual results may vary materially. You can identify these
The addition of FaithAfrica and FlowTV programming will greatly forward-looking statements by words such as “may,” “should,” “expect,”
expand the viewing choices offered by Truli’s faith and family network. “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan” and other similar ex-
pressions. Our actual results could differ materially from those antici-
Dr. André Roebert, President of FAITH BROADCASTING NETWORK is pated in these forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors
thrilled to partner with “We have seen the hand of God at not within the control of the company. The company cautions readers
work since the launch of our first channel nearly 15 years ago. Every not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements,
new avenue we add to our broadcast signature, is exciting for us since which speak only as of the date made. The company disclaims any
it is expanding the vision of God to bring hope to nations across the obligation subsequently to revise any forward-looking statements to
world. These days good news is almost drowned out by the general reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements or to
negativity of global media, and we are excited to be able to add our reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events.
voice and see people inspired, encouraged and connected to the
message of hope.” For more information contact:
Jim Dickson
Michael Jay Solomon,Truli’s Founder and Chairman welcomes the Truli Media Group
addition of FaithAfrica and FlowTV to Truli. “FAITH BROADCASTING VP of Content and Distribution
NETWORK has grown exponentially over the past 5 years and reaches (303) 810-4050
over 50 million people around the world. We are extremely pleased
to add these two internationally respected channels to Truli’s growing
programming lineup.” Paul Crouch Jr., a longtime friend and supporter Maureen Brichetto
of the network’s founders, Dr. André and Jenny Roebert, says “We are Truli Media Group
beyond honored that FAITH BROADCASTING NETWORK has added Director of Marketing &Development
Truli to the family of global television network partners that share their (469) 855-9788
passion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.”
34 | NOVEMBER 2016