Page 30 - MyFaith Mag Nov 2016 - Complete
P. 30

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                             
ACTION/DRAMA - PG13                                                                20:00
                                                                                     ASHES OF EDEN
                                                                                     DRAMA - PG13
                                                                                     13 NOVEMBER

A gritty drama with a soul-stirring message! A powerful crime boss and his         18-year-old Red made some bad choices. He’s done his time, but he’s still
army of thugs are determined to maintain a steely grip on their city through       paying the consequences. He’s finding that having a bad reputation and being
crime sprees, drug deals, and prostitution rings. But God has different plans.     in the wrong place at the wrong time are an unfortunate combination – even
Working with the local church, a heaven-sent team plans a life-changing            when you’re trying to do the right thing.
event aimed at saving the lost. Will they succeed?
                                                                                   Secretly selling stolen drugs in order to help his police officer mother pay the
                                                                                   mortgage starts a bloodbath between rival dealers. Lives are lost, relation-
                                                                                   ships destroyed, faith is questioned. And, Red is in the center of the spotlight.
                                                                                   Can this gritty cautionary tale end with redemption? Perhaps. But, it comes
                                                                                   with a price.

FIRST LOVE: BREATHE. TALK TO GOD. LISTEN                                           THE WISH
DRAMA/FAMILY                                                                       DRAMA/FAMILY
20 NOVEMBER                                                                        27 NOVEMBER

FIRST LOVE is a modern day story based on the life of Jesus’ disciple, Peter.      A beloved high school teacher fights for her life while awaiting a much needed
Joe is a natural leader who is impulsive and passionate, but he needs a heart      organ transplant.
transformation in order to follow a higher calling. As he struggles to decide
between ambition and humility, his marriage to Catherine and his career hang       KC Taylor is a young, beautiful, intelligent and beloved teacher at her small
in the balance. Catherine must come to grips with the reality of her past to find  town’s local high school. Married to her high school sweetheart, Isaiah, KC
healing for present relationships.                                                 works persistently every day to give her students a chance to grow, learn and
Teenagers, Michael and Emily, are working through their faith and a budding        achieve beyond graduation. Known only to a few, KC is struggling with a kidney
friendship, while Emily’s sister, Sarah, covers them all with faithful prayer.     disease that is growing worse and is now threatening her life. After returning to
Throughout the film, Anthony Vero and his Aunt Rosa guide and instruct with        the classroom after a hospital visit, KC is excitedly greeted by student Courtney
God’s truth, hoping eternal work will be accomplished as Joe returns to his first  Boyd.
                                                                                   Meanwhile, star athlete Miles Dixon, up to his usual mischievous antics, has a
30 | NOVEMBER 2016                                                                 plan of his own and causes KC’s return to be far from celebratory. Exhausted
                                                                                   from returning to work too soon, and her worsening condition, KC collapses
                                                                                   in her classroom. Courtney, determined to help her favourite teacher, spends
                                                                                   hours searching the Internet for solutions and discovers the SAVE1000™
                                                                                   Donate Life Campaign. Energized, she springs into action, calling a manda-
                                                                                   tory senior class meeting in the school’s gymnasium. Her classmates aren’t
                                                                                   immediately persuaded and laugh, joke and talk loudly over her pleas. Feeling
                                                                                   defeated, Courtney is on the verge of giving up, until an unlikely student
                                                                                   decides to take action.

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