Page 36 - MyFaith Mag JULY 2016 Web 001
P. 36

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                                    


THE UNEXPECTED BAR                            THE RIGHT TO BELIEVE                                     GOSPEL WRITERS
MITZVAH                                       DRAMA - PG16                                             AUTOGRAPH
DRAMA - PG13                                  10 JULY                                                  DRAMA/COMEDY - PG13
3 JULY                                                                                                 17 JULY

“The Unexpected Bar Mitzvah” is a powerful    This movie focuses on a controversial topic,             Mitchell Dyer has always been a loner. The
movie about asking God some questions         homosexuality. It handles it with love, kind-            only two things he has ever been
instead of man. Young Paul Douglas (Callan    ness and compassion yet tackles it head on               passionate about are his inventions and
Wilson) wants to make a difference in the     with its beliefs rooted firmly in God’s word.            his autograph collection. He has only one
lives of Jews and gets an opportunity to do                                                            friend, Vance Marlow. One day while
just that. A young man named Abraham                                                                   Mitchell is working in his basement, Vance
(Glenn Tucker) becomes his neighbor and is                                                             shows up and claims that he has invented a
curious about the Jesus that Paul witnesses                                                            device out of a label maker that can let him
to him about. Abraham’s strict father, Micah                                                           travel in time. Vance convinces Mitchell into
(Rich Swingle), warns Abraham to be                                                                    coming along with him on a hilarious and
cautious but when Paul suggests that                                                                   eye opening quest to get the autographs
Abraham ask God about Jesus, Abraham                                                                   of the four Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark,
does just that!                                                                                        Luke and John. Along the way they learn a
                                                                                                       few things about what is really important
IN HIS STEPS                                                                                           in life.

DRAMA - PG13                                                                             FATHERS
24 JULY                                                                                  DRAMA - PG13
                                                                                         31 JULY

        The classic story by Charles Sheldon comes to life like never before in this     “Fathers” is the story of two single fathers and their sons. Rick Tarinno, lost
        modern day adaptation!                                                           his wife in a tragic car accident 3 years ago. Ever since the accident, Rick has
                                                                                         blamed God for everything, from the death of his wife to the living hell that
        When a homeless man interrupts the comfortable routine of First Church           his life has turned into. He turned to a life of abuse and drinking to try to
        of Raymond, life will never be the same for the apathetic congregation.          drown his sorrows.
        Henry Maxwell, Rachel Winslow, Virginia Page and Alex Powers are thrust
        into a journey of discovering what life is like beyond “Christianity as usual.”  Michael Campbell, is approaching the three year anniversary of the
        But as they find themselves opposed by family strife, church politics, and       abandonment of his wife and subsequent divorce. The night she left was
        scorned lovers, will they be able to keep their commitment, or will they be      the same night as Rick’s accident. Mike is a blue-collar guy that really had
        dragged back into fruitless lives?                                               to learn to be a parent after the divorce. He turned to his church family and
                                                                                         friends for support and help and they led him to God, his ultimate helper.
36 | JULY 2016
                                                                                         “Fathers” is an exciting adventure into the spiritual journey of four men
                                                                                         searching for their place in the world.

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