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THE OLD FASHIONED WAY                                 THE CHOOSING                                 THE LOVE LETTERS
              BY                                              BY                                             BY

     GINGER KOLBABA                                 RACHELLE DEKKER                                  BEVERLY LEWIS

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Contrary to popular opinion, being “old         “Not to be Chosen would yield a cruel fate      Marlena needed time to let things sink in. It
fashioned” doesn’t mean you’re dull or un-      of my own making.”                              was beyond her how all this could possibly
romantic. In fact, a true old-fashioned rela-                                                   work out--adding the care of an infant to
tionship can be more exciting and romantic      Like all citizens since the Ruining, Car-       her daily routine. Fortunately, it would just
than anything you’ve ever experienced! So       rington Hale knows the importance of this       be until Luella returned home from the
what does it mean to do things The Old          day. But she never expected the moment          hospital and was stronger. No more than a
Fashioned Way? Sure, it means opening           she’d spent a lifetime preparing for—her        couple weeks, surely.
doors, holding out chairs, and taking things    Choosing ceremony—would end in disas-
slow. But a true old-fashioned romance          ter. Ripped from her family, she’ll spend       Marlena Wenger’s life takes an unexpected
goes much deeper than that. Inspired by         her days serving as a Lint, the lowest level    turn on the day she learns she must care
the motion picture Old Fashioned, this          of society. She knows it’s her duty to follow   for her estranged sister’s baby. Spending
book will show you how to reclaim the           the true way of the Authority.                  the summer in Brownstown, Pennsylva-
lost art of romance by introducing you to                                                       nia, to assist her Mennonite grandmother,
romantic love as God intended it—for all        But as Carrington begins this nightmare,        and miles from Marlena’s Old Order Amish
of us. Regardless of your past experiences,     rumours of rebellion rattle her beliefs. The    beau, she feels out of her element in nearly
where you’ve been, or where you are now,        whispers contradict everything she’s been       every respect. Yet Marlena determines to
you can find and create a love that will last   told; yet they resonate deep within.            do her best and stay focused on her future,
a lifetime.                                                                                     even as those hopes become drastically
                                                Then Carrington is offered an unprec-           altered.
As you work your way through this 40-day        edented chance at the life she’s always
journey of inspiring readings and questions     dreamed of, but she can’t shake the feeling
for reflection, you’ll discover all the unique  that it may be an illusion. With a killer tar-
and amazing benefits of doing things the        geting Lints and corruption threatening the
old-fashioned way and be well on your           highest levels of the Authority, Carrington
way to creating a love story for the ages.      must uncover the truth before it destroys

                                                Giveaways courtesy of
                                                Christian Art Distributors

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 July 2016 and closes 31 July2016 and is open to SA Residents only.


There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on the first Fri-
day of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation
or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.

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