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Is it possible to beat the odds and make a Where Legend and History Collide, One Welcome to the front lines. Everywhere
movie unlike anything ever done before? Young Woman Will Fight for the Innocent we turn, battle lines are being drawn―tra-
Or, will they lose everything in the pro- ditional marriage vs. gay marriage, pro-life
cess? Two unknown producers struggle to Born a baron’s daughter, Lady Merry El- vs. pro-choice, personal freedom vs. gov-
fulfil their dreams to change lives through lison is now an enemy of the throne after ernmental protection. Seemingly over-
the power of film. With millions of inves- her father’s failed assassination attempt night, culture has shifted to the point where
tors’ dollars on the line, everything starts upon the king. Bold and uniquely skilled, right and wrong are no longer measured by
to fall apart and they realize they may be in she is willing to go to any lengths to pro- universal truth but by popular opinion. And
over their heads. tect the orphaned children of her former as difficult conversations about homosex-
village--a group that becomes known as uality, abortion, and religious liberty con-
Could they change the world—before the “The Ghosts of Farthingale Forest.” Merry tinue to inject themselves into our work-
world changes them? Filmmakers Chase finds her charge more difficult as their places, our churches, our schools, and our
Ryan and Keith Ellison left the mission field growing notoriety brings increasing trou- homes, Christians everywhere are asking
of Indonesia for the mission field of Hol- ble their way. the same question: How are we supposed
lywood with a dream bigger than both of to respond to all this?
them. Now they have done the impossible: Timothy Grey, ninth child of the Baron of
raised enough money to produce a feature Greyham, longs to perform some feat so In Counter Culture, New York Times best-
film with a message that could change the legendary that he will rise from obscu- selling author David Platt shows Christians
world. But as Chase and Keith begin shoot- rity and earn a title of his own. When the how to actively take a stand on such is-
ing, their well-laid plans begin to unravel. Ghosts of Farthingale Forest are spotted in sues as poverty, sex trafficking, marriage,
With millions of dollars on the line, they Wyndeshire, where he serves as assistant abortion, racism, and religious liberty―and
make a desperate attempt to keep the film to the local earl, he might have found his challenges us to become passionate, un-
from falling apart—even as a temperamen- chance. But when he comes face-to-face wavering voices for Christ. Drawing on
tal actress, a botched production schedule, with the leader of the thieves, he’s forced compelling personal accounts from around
and their own insecurities leave little room to re-examine everything he’s known. the world, Platt presents an unapologetic
for the creative and spiritual passion that yet winsome call for Christians to faithfully
once motivated them. “Sleiman launches an action-packed, his- follow Christ into the cultural battlefield
torical series of adventure and romance, in ways that will prove both costly and re-
Was God really behind this movie after all? starring a strong, intelligent female Robin warding. The lines have been drawn. The
A chance meeting and friendship with John Hood who lives up to the famous outlaw’s moment has come for Christians to rise up
Baxter could bring the encouragement reputation. This fun read makes a great and deliver a gospel message that’s more
they need to stay on mission and produce adult-YA crossover for Robin Hood fans radical than even the most controversial is-
a movie that will actually change people’s who enjoy a twist to a classic tale.” -Library sues of our day.
lives. In the midst of the questions and the Journal
cameras, is it possible to keep things above
the line and make a movie unlike anything
done before—or is the risk too great for
32 | JULY 2016