Page 31 - MyFaith Mag JULY 2016 Web 001
P. 31

• After completing your medical degree you        • Have you had testimonies of Muslims find-           Stop all lying and deceiving because those are
begun teaching, preaching, writing, and de-       ing Jesus after reading your book Seeking             the old ways; Instead, be holy and trust the
bating. What stirred your heart to spread         Allah, Finding Jesus?                                 Lord protect you.
the Gospel through your years of studying                                                               • Are you writing another book now, can
medicine?                                         I have heard many, many such stories. Recent-         you share a sneak peek with us?

After becoming a Christian, I think God           ly I have heard reports even from Pakistan,           Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus is my first book
changed my heart and gave me new pas-             India, Egypt, and even Somalia. I’m praying to        in which I share my testimony, how the Lord
sions. I started studying medicine while I was    hear more such reports when I come to South           led me from Islam to Christianity. Answering
a Muslim hoping to heal people, but I realized    Africa this summer, by the Lord’s leave!              Jihad is my second book, which I wrote to help
when I became a Christian that the greatest                                                             people answer the questions that they are
disease people have is their brokenness, and      • You speak of your friend David who led              asking in the wake of the attacks in Paris and
the greatest cure for mankind is the Gospel.      you to Jesus through defending his faith.             San Bernardino, such as “Is Islam a Religion of
                                                  Does any quote or scripture that he said              Peace?” and “What is Jihad?” My third book, No
• Those who leave Islam for Christianity are      stand out for you when you realised he was            God But One: Allah or Jesus? Will be released
often cut off from their families and friends     speaking the Truth?                                   this summer (October in SA), and it is an in-
& may even face death, how has this affected                                                            depth exploration of Islam and Christianity,
your personal life?                               Romans 10.9: “If you declare with your mouth,         comparing the two religious systems and the
                                                  “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that       evidence for each.
                                                  God raised him from the dead, you will be
                                                  saved.” This was the crux of our study, did Je-       • Where is your favourite place to write?

It was extremely difficult to lose intimacy with  sus claim to be God and did he rise from the          I like to write on ships or by the ocean, be-
my family, and they even stopped talking with     dead? If he did either, then Islam is false; if he    cause I love the feel of the wind and the gran-
me for a time. It has been 10 years since I be-   did both, then Christianity is true. When I finally   deur of the seas. It helps me feel very closely
came a Christian, and only in the last year has   realized that the evidence is overwhelmingly          connected to God and free from the burdens
our relationship begun to repair. But through     in favor of both, I turned back to this verse and     of daily life.
the pain of losing my family, I learned to cling  confessed my saving faith in the Lord, thereby
to the Lord and suffer for His sake, which        leaving Islam. That is when I was saved.

is when God always sends his Holy Spirit to
comfort us. That is the hope that I share with
other young Christians from Muslim back-          • What advice would you give to Muslims               • Have you any advice to aspiring authors?
grounds: God will use their suffering to bind     who find it difficult (based on the conse-
them to Him, and the rewards are eternal.         quences) to renounce their religion, and              My advice for anyone who wants to write a
• Have any of your family converted to            how to openly walk as a Christian?                    book is to fast and pray! It is a very difficult
Christianity based on your testimony?             I would encourage them that living even one           undertaking, and I would only suggest it if it
Not yet, or at least none that have told me yet.  minute for Yahweh is better than a lifetime           is done for the glory of the Lord in with His
But a few are close, please keep praying!         serving falsehood. God is our Father, and             blessing. Fasting and praying also clarifies
                                                  when we live in right relation to him, our lives      the mind and sharpens the yearning of the
                                                  take on eternal meaning. Since he has saved           heart, which are both important when writing
                                                  us by the work of His Son, we can live without        a book.

                                                  fear of death, and thereby truly live. Plus, God      •What have you learnt the most about
                                                  rushes to the aid of his children, sending them       yourself after publishing your first book?
                                                  the Holy Spirit, and no one has really lived un-
                                                  til they are filled with the Spirit. Trust me, it is

                                                  worth it!                                             I have learned that the Lord is willing to use
                                                  To walk openly as a Christian, do not hide your       any of us, no matter how feeble our attempts,
                                                  Christian faith. Become part of a Christian           as long as we strive for Him and His people. I
                                                  community, start memorizing scripture, and            do not consider myself an author, but a fol-
                                                  pursue the Lord with your whole heart.                lower of Jesus, someone that He told to write
                                                                                                        a book! And God is faithful. Thanks for this op-

                                                                                                        portunity to share my heart.

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