Page 35 - MyFaith Mag JULY 2016 Web 001
P. 35

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                      20:00

DYING TO BE HEARD                             BROKEN                                                 WAITING FOR BUTTERFLIES
DRAMA - PG16                                  DRAMA - PG13                                           DRAMA - PG13
2 JULY                                        9 JULY                                                 16 JULY

There are three stories that tie in together  A troubled teen recounts the events that       Sometimes we keep waiting on a miracle
as the movie progresses, all based on true    led him to the bottom of a cliff, broken and   that is already here...
events.                                       clinging to life.
A moving dedication to the 6 million slain                                                   On her deathbed, a Grandmother’s last
in Europe during the Holocaust and the 54     John is clinging to life by a thread. He’s at  wish is for her estranged family to come
million unborn children slain in America      the bottom of a hundred foot cliff recount-    together for her final days. Upon their ar-
from abortions.                               ing the events that got him to this point      rival intrigue begins to build around a secret
                                              of complete brokeness. As his life passes      letter she has placed in a locked wooden
THE PLEDGE                                    before his eyes we see a troubled kid on       box, but little do they know, a miracle is on
DRAMA - PG13                                  a weekend, youth retreat with his friends.     the horizon for the gathering.
23 JULY                                       It’s there that John gets captured by three
                                              escaped convicts, who are hiding out in the
                                              vast expanses of the Rocky Mountains. As
                                              a result, John must leave behind a troubled
                                              past and face the challenge of a lifetime, if
                                              he’s to survive.

                                                                              UNEXPECTED PLACES
                                                                              DRAMA - PG13
                                                                              30 JULY

Tory Hedderman is a typical 16-year old. His motto: If it doesn’t have to do  Cody is a troubled son who continues making bad choices into adult life.
with him, why should he care? However, when Tory is caught vandalizing a      Watching his descent causes his mother, Pam, almost unbearable grief.
statue of a WW I Doughboy, he is ordered to perform community service         Mother and son hit rock bottom together. Cody struggles with addiction
at a local veteran’s home where he meets individuals who challenge his        and crime while Pam is affected in all the relationships in her life including
views on the world. “Doughboy” is an uplifting family drama that features     her marriage and her work. Her faith is shaken and she feels more alone
footage of real-life vets sharing thoughts on patriotism, freedom and the     than ever. She is hanging on by a thread, thanks in part to the support from
attitudes of our young people today.                                          her prayer group.

                                                                              There is an amazing journey for mother and son concluding with God in-
                                                                              tervening and opening both their eyes to redemption and restoration. This
                                                                              film will speak powerfully to parents or anyone agonizing over their loved
                                                                              ones making poor decisions. This story, loosely based on true life events,
                                                                              demonstrates miraculously that what is impossible for man is possible for

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