Page 27 - MyFaith Dec 2016(1)
P. 27


                                                                             What is the
                                                                             What’s Your
                                                                             Story Campaign?

Heartlines, the Centre for Values Promotion, has launched its latest         What’s Your Story? creates a huge opportunity for churches and Christian
values-inspired campaign, What’s Your Story? Aimed at tackling some of       organisations in South Africa to drive reconciliation in communities.
South Africa’s deepest divides, the campaign aims to build understand-       Heartlines has created a series of resources for churches, church youth
ing, trust and reconciliation through the process of personal storytelling.  groups, high schools, campuses and business to help drive a storytelling
“We live in a world of stereotypes - until we get to know each other’s
stories, we will treat each other according to the opinions and assump-      Heartlines is encouraged from the huge support it is already receiv-
tions that we make. The only way to break this pattern is to get to know     ing from churches and Christian leadership throughout SA. A number
each other’s stories; only then we will see the human being behind           of cities are already beginning to strategise about creating a month of
the stereotype, this is the way forward for our country,” says Heartlines    storytelling in their cities that will involve churches, schools, campuses
founder and CEO, Dr Garth Japhet.                                            and business.

Through the sharing of personal stories on multi-media platforms             What’s Your Story? can be accessed at –
What’s Your Story? hopes to address the suspicion, fear, prejudice and       visitors are able to watch, read, listen and act as a part of the campaign.
racism that plague our interactions with one another. “Stories are all       Everybody living in South Africa is invited to write and submit their own
around us, they are what move us, challenge us, anger us, make us feel       personal stories to the platform.
alive and inspire us,” says Japhet.

CL                                                            DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 | 27
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