Page 29 - MyFaith Dec 2016(1)
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DSTV CHANNEL 341                                                                           FAMILY OF NETWORKS

DEC 2016                                                                               



SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                             20:00
DRAMA - PG 13                                                                        BY GOD’S GRACE
3 DECEMBER                                                                           DRAMA - FAMILY
                                                                                     10 DECEMBER

Steven Thomas strives to live a worthy life, loving father and basketball coach.     From meagre beginnings to owning a thriving air charter service, the Taylors
However, the lack of communication he shares with his son causes him to drift        devoted their lives to their children Chris (Cameron Deane Stewart) and Grace
away from the family and their faith.                                                (Savannah McReynolds). Raising them with a solid foundation of faith, they
                                                                                     taught them through example to love others and give to their community.
Father and son resolve just before a tragedy causes the family to begin to un-       Their passion was volunteering and financially supporting the local youth
ravel. As the father begins to lose his grip on everything he knows and loves, it    shelter. However when tragedy strikes, Chris turns his back on his faith and the
is through the love and kindness of his son’s basketball team, and in particular,    shelter. His choices are leading to destruction unless he changes his ways. Will
his son’s best friend, that helps him use his basketball playbook to rekindle        an unlikely visit save what is about to be lost?
his spiritual worthiness and be the father he was meant to be. Thus not only
inspiring his basketball team, but to also get his life and family back on track       A HORSE CALLED BEAR
                                                                                       DRAMA - FAMILY
 A CHRISTMAS SNOW                                                                      31 DECEMBER
 DRAMA - PG 13

A woman unable to separate the joys of the Christmas season from the pain of         After his mother unexpectedly dies, 17-year-old Ethan discovers he is the owner
her family past gets snowed in with two people who help her to realize what it       of his mother’s horse - a horse he never even knew existed. He travels cross
takes to find true happiness. Thirty years ago, Kathleen’s father left the house on  country to live with his grandparents and investigate the mystery. His grand-
Christmas Eve, and never came back. Ever since that day, Kathleen has blamed         mother is supportive but his angry grandfather Otto doesn’t seem to want him
her mother for breaking up the family. In Kathleen’s eyes, Christmas is just an-     around.
other reminder of everything that’s ever gone wrong in her life - so she refuses
to celebrate. But just when it seems that Kathleen’s bitterness has become her       Next door live three children who are taking riding lessons at the same farm
defining characteristic, a chance encounter with kindhearted stranger Sam finds      where his mother’s horse is boarded. Their lives intersect as Ethan deals with his
her chilly demeanor starting to thaw. Inviting Sam into her house to escape the      grief over his mother’s death and the children deal with a neighborhood bully
incoming ice storm, Kathleen gradually opens up to the stranger while at the         whose father works at the horse farm. The journey for Ethan, Otto, the three
same time striving to establish a bond with her fiancé’s precocious daughter         children, the bully and her father all revolve around a gentle and faithful horse
Lucy. The chill in the air slowly subsiding, Katherine realizes that the time has    called Bear who deeply touches all their lives. This is a delightful redemption-
finally come to let go of her painful past instead of allowing it to define her.     themed family movie that will appeal to children, teens, horse-lovers and people
                                                                                     of all ages.
                                                                                                                                         DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017 | 29
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