Page 30 - MyFaith Dec 2016(1)
P. 30

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                          
DRAMA - PG13                                                                    20:00
                                                                                  WELCOME TO INSPIRATION
                                                                                  DRAMA - FAMILY
                                                                                  11 DECCEMBER

This movie gives the viewer a chilling look into the future during the time     Set in the small fictional American southern town of Mountain Brook, the
“The Beast” from the book of Revelation appears and demands a mark to be        movie ‘WELCOME TO INSPIRATION’ follows a diverse cast of characters as
accepted by all that want to buy food and not face death.                       they struggle in their lives. A young musician wishes to share his gift with a
                                                                                larger audience; a widow copes with the death of her soldier daughter; a small
                                                                                business owner sacrifices her freedom for the safety of a young runaway; a
                                                                                mechanic finds a family by finding his faith; and a man and woman strengthen
                                                                                their marriage by seeking the Lords wisdom. One main theme explored in
                                                                                ‘WELCOME TO INSPIRATION’ is that you too can live a life of irrefutable suc-

                                                                                cess if you learn and act upon the things that God has revealed to you!

LOVE WAITS                                                                      CHRISTMAS ORANGES
DRAMA - FAMILY                                                                  FAMILY
18 DECEMBER                                                                     25 DECEMBER

14-year-old Cheri Martin’s world is turned upside down after the death of her   In a town not so far away and a time not so long ago, baby Rose was left at
mother and a family move from a small town in Nebraska to a larger city in      Greenwoods Orphanage, where Mrs. Hartley and the children under her care
the South. Her fragile psyche appears to be an easy mark for Judy Green, the    became the young child’s family. But when tragedy strikes, Rose loses the only
social queen at Cheri’s new school, who spearheads a stamp-out-virginity        home she has ever known and is abruptly shipped to Irongates, a place that
campaign.                                                                       seems as cold and cruel as her previous home was kind. The strict headmas-
                                                                                ter, Mr. Crampton, makes sure all children are punished for any infraction of his
Judy turns her attention and efforts toward converting Cheri when she finds     rules, but he is especially hard on Rose, who he immediately seems to dislike.
out that the newcomer is still sexually pure. How will a young lady in Cheri’s  When Rose learns that every Christmas Mr. Crampton’s generous brother
predicament succeed in making Godly decisions, especially since her father      gives an orange to each child, she waits in eager anticipation. She’s sure it
has withdrawn from God since the loss of his wife?                              must be the most delicious treat in the world. However, on Christmas morn-
                                                                                ing, Rose is devastated when she learns Mr. Crampton is punishing her again.
                                                                                But Christmas is a time of miracles. Share a slice of Christmas sweetened with

                                                                                friendship in this poignant Christmas story based on a classic holiday tale.

30 | DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017                                                        
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