Page 26 - MyFaith Dec 2016(1)
P. 26


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    THE POWER OF A                 THE DOMINO EFFECT                         EVERYTHING IS                   MY OWN KEEPSAKE
PRAYING GRANDPARENT                       Davis Bunn                            POSSIBLE                              BIBLE

    Stormie Omartian               SMS the keyword                    Jen Bricker with Sheryl Berk               Carolyn Larsen
                                   “Domino” followed by
SMS the keyword                                                        SMS the keyword                      SMS the keyword
“Grandparent” followed             your name and address to            “Possible” followed by               “Keepsake” followed by

by your name and address           32697 to enter.*                     your name and address to            your name and address to

to 32697 to enter.*                                                    32697 to enter.*                     32697 to enter.*

Being a grandparent is one         A Financial Thriller That Will     Born without Legs, She In-            Bible stories kids can colour,
of God’s greatest gifts to us.     Keep Readers on the Edge of        spires Others to Overcome             read and treasure forever.
And loving and caring for our      Their Seats
grandchildren not only blesses                                        Jen Bricker was born without          Do you still remember the chil-
us but is also honoring to God.    Esther Larsen, a leading risk      legs. Shocked and uncertain           dren’s Bible you read when you
The best way to love your          analyst at one of the country’s    they could care for her, her bio-     were little? The one you read
grandchild is to pray for them.    largest banking institutions, is   logical parents gave her up for       over and over again?
                                   becoming more and more con-        adoption. In her loving adop-         Choosing the right children’s
 In The Power of a Praying®        vinced that she has uncovered a    tive home, there was just one         Bible is very important, but it
Grandparent, you will find         ticking bomb with the potential    simple rule: “Never say ‘can’t.’”     can be quite daunting. That is
powerful suggestions to help       to overshadow 2008’s market        And pretty soon, there was            until now.
you do just that by:               crash. And as her own employ-      nothing this small but mighty
•	 Praying for your grand-         er pursues “investment” strate-    powerhouse set her sights on          My Own Keepsake Bible is the
                                   gies with ever-increasing levels   that she couldn’t conquer: roll-      perfect Bible for kids aged 6
      children to be healthy,      of risk, she becomes convinced     er-skating, volleyball, power         to 10. Edited by award-win-
      protected, smart, kind,      she must do something. Yet         tumbling, and spinning from           ning author Carolyn Larsen
      wise, godly, and obedient,   what can one person really do?     silk ribbons thirty feet in the air.  and spanning from Genesis to
      so that they do not stray                                                                             Revelation, the more than 170
      into enemy territory         The markets are edging closer      Everything Is Possible is her in-     stories are easy to read and
•	 Praying for yourself to         to a tipping point--like the tee-  credible story--a story of God        understand. Each story is ac-
      be a powerful praying        tering first domino in a stand-    working out his plan for her          companied by a key Scripture
      “grandma” or “grandpa”       ing row that circles the globe.    life from before day one. Read-       verse and references for fur-
      who understands what         And when Esther does sound         ers follow Jen from the chal-         ther reading.
      your grandchildren are       the alarm, she wonders if any-     lenges of growing up different
      facing in this world today   one will take her seriously. But   to holding captive audiences          But that’s not all! More than 90
      and how you can best         as public support grows for her    numbering in the tens of thou-        beautiful illustrations have also
      cover them spiritually,      ideas, so does the desperation     sands. Everything Is Possible         been scattered throughout the
      mentally, emotionally,       of those whose conspiracy of       shows readers what they can           Bible for kids to colour in and
      and physically               greed she seeks to expose.         accomplish when they remove           enjoy. That’s right, a children’s
•	 Praying for your grand-         With global markets on the         the words coincidence and lim-        Bible they can colour in and
      children’s parents to be     brink, and her own life in dan-    itation from their vocabulary.        make their own! Plus, the cover
      led and enabled by God,      ger, Esther is locked in a race    Filled with heart and spirit, as      and page edges have been
      so they can be the wisest,   with the clock to avert a world-   well as Jen’s wit, wisdom, and        specially designed for kids to
      most patient, and loving     wide financial meltdown.           no-holds-barred honesty, this         colour in.
      parents for their children.                                     inspiring true story points the
      Being a praying grand-       This fast-paced suspense novel     way to purpose and joy.               Make your child’s memory of
      mother or grandfather is     will make you wonder where                                               their very first Bible unfor-
      not only one of the best     the fiction ends and reality be-   Foreword by Nick Vujicic.             gettable with their very own,
      gifts you can give your      gins                                                                     ready-to-colour My Own
      grandchildren, but their                                                                              Keepsake Bible.
      parents as well.
                                                                                                            Also available in Afrikaans as
                                                                                                            My eieinkleur-Bybel.

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 December 2016 and closes 31 January 2017 and is open to SA Residents only.


There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on the first Fri-
day of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation
or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.

26 | DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017                                                                 
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