Page 22 - MyFaith Dec 2016(1)
P. 22


                                   BY ESTHER SAUNDERS

I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again. Christmas is  Mommy explained that the wisdom that comes from God is
around the corner and we are looking forward to some fun in     special and supernatural, it has no limitations because God
the sun. It’s always both exciting and terrifying to know that  knows everything. As human beings, we can only know what
we are about to complete another year of school. If we think    we learn and study but when we ask God for His wisdom then
back on our first day in the new grade, our new class, our new  we open up a big treasure chest of knowledge and under-
teacher and the new work, which seemed quite confusing at       standing. We have access to God through Jesus Christ and this
first, it feels great to know that we have been able to jump    means access to His wisdom as well. Mommy says we must
over and conquer all the challenges.                            do our part, then pray and trust God to do His part and add
                                                                His wisdom where we fall short.
I must say that while I was very excited for the long Decem-
ber vacation I was a little nervous about writing my exams. I   The Bible teaches us that God’s strength is made perfect in
have been working hard during the year, doing my homework       our weakness. So when we are weak in an area, as a child of
and even attending extra reading classes on Wednesday           God we can pray and God adds His strength and we become
afternoons, but I really wanted to do well and make Mommy       strong. I remember last year while writing my final exam in
and Daddy proud. The teacher gave us revision to do at home     Mathematics, there was a really difficult question and I was
of the school work we had completed in January. I must admit    confused, I said a prayer in my heart and after a few moments
that Jazz and I were struggling to remember everything, it      I was able to figure out the answer. I know for sure that,
all felt so far away. Mommy helped us with revision in the      that was God adding some of His wisdom to my mind.
evenings. She saw that we were anxious and told us a story
about King Solomon.                                             So in all the excitement and stress let’s remember whose side
                                                                we are on. We are on the winning side of Jesus. The Bible says
King Solomon was one of the greatest kings in the Bible. He     that if we believe in God we will never be ashamed. So like
loved God and had the very important job of building God’s      Jazz and I, please do your part and remember to study hard
temple. He had many other roles as a king, one of these roles   but don’t forget to pray and trust God that He will add His
was to advise people in difficult situations. Mommy told us     strength to give you the victory over all your plans.
that when Solomon did not know what to do he prayed and
asked God for wisdom and God helped him.                        Have a merry Christmas friends!


22 | DECEMBER 2016 - JANUARY 2017                     
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