Page 8 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 8

GRASSROOTS                                                                   Christ Has
                                                                             The World

                                                                                                    BY ANGUS BUCHAN

I have just finished a tour of all the University campuses in South Africa.  ter with God, which I will never forget as long as I live. I preached for
God stirred it on our hearts and the hearts of many students, particularly   over two hours and it seemed like it wasonly twenty minutes. Not one
a group of young men headed up by Sias le Roux, who wants to reach           of the students left and even when we closed the meeting they remain
students with hope in Jesus.                                                 seated, they wanted to know Him more. I think of that scripture in Phi-
                                                                             lippians 3:10, “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power
In the word of God in John 16:33 (NKJV), “These things I have spoken         that raised Him from the dead.”
to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will [a] have
tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”               We come back to the Scripture which God has laid upon our hearts. He
                                                                             said in Matthew 16:33 (NKJV), “These things I have spoken to you, that
One thing I have realized is that perception is not the truth. It is some-   in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but
thing that you think, but is not necessarily accurate. We have done          be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” While I was speaking
most of the major campuses in South Africa and we heard that one             at the University of Cape Town, in the middle of the sermon there were
of the halls at the University of Johannesburg has been burnt down           protesters outside. The organizers went out and invited the protestors
by protesters and of course it is all over the newspapers, because bad       into the meeting, but they blatantly refused. God showed me some-
news seems to sell newspapers much better than the Good News. I was          thing very clearly through that experience and that is that the devil is a
personally preaching in that very hall and the student waited patiently      coward.
for me to attend, because the aeroplane that was supposed to take me
to Johannesburg, broke down and they had to send another aeroplane.          When he is confronted with The Word of God he always backs off and
The students waited from 12h15 (midday meeting) until 13h30. They are        do not give him any place in your life.He is a true example of a bully, be-
hungry for the truth and for the peace that Jesus Christ offers.             cause a bully will continue to try and dominate you until you to stand up
                                                                             against him. Once you stand against him, he will run off like a scalded
I want to tell you that most of the students have one objective, that        cat. I really want to encourage you to stand with the young students of
is to go to university, to pass their degree, and then to get on and live    our Nation and indeed the world. I told them at almost every campus
constructive lives, worthwhile lives and Christian ethos bringing it to the  meeting that in ten years’ time, they will be running the country. They
world, but unfortunately the picture is always painted differently.          gave us an amazing ovation of hand clapping and shouting,“Amen”.

There is not one campus that I have been on that we have not had a           We need to love them and we need to stand with them, because they
100% response to the gospel of Christ when I have made the altar call.       are more concerned about the future of this country, because they have
We saw over 5000 students crammed into a 4000 seat hall at the               to live here when we are no longer here.So we thank God for our young
Stellenbosch Campus and I have never heard singing, and worshipping          folk and we pray for those who have been misled, and who have one
of God better than that evening.                                             objective that is to cause as much strife as possible.

At Kovsies (University of Bloemfontein) we experienced a move of the         May God blessyou in the corner of your vineyard where you are shining
Holy Spirit that I can only say was of the same impact that I experienced    for Jesus.
when I was holding a meeting at the Dead Sea at EinGedi, in Israel when
a rushing mighty wind came through that meeting. We had an encoun-           Yours in Christ service

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