Page 13 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 13

chose to feel through their suffering. That takes a lot of courage, and       says. “We sampled sounds all over Europe, from the sound of clapping
that’s why, years later, we call them poets and saints.”                      under a bridge, to the hairbrushes in William Cowper’s house, to waves
What David, Leslie and Jamie didn’t anticipate was the creative and           crashing on the beach… and we used those as percussion in the album.
spiritual wakeup call God had in mind for them. “We knew God was              We threw everything out and started taking more chances, still mindful
doing something we could never have imagined,” David says, a year             of serving the church, but diving into the opportunity to expand our
after the trip. “It was only after we got back and began seeing the video     creative fences.”
footage, the lyrics come to life, and reading sections of Jamie’s book, did
we begin to experience the life-changing nature of the process. We’ve         “I Wait,” inspired by Scottish author, poet and minister George McDon-
gone into projects with great conviction before, but this is a whole dif-     ald, whose literary fantasy inspired such greats as J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S.
ferent level.”                                                                Lewis and Madeline L’Engle, cuts to the heart of hopefulness, even in
                                                                              weakness. A pastor who was edged out of leadership in his church,
“The more we uncovered the truth about their lives and how they com-          McDonald spent most of his time at home, with his wife and children.
municated with God, the more important it became to us to show how            “He wasn’t a prolific writer, and he didn’t get to see the significance of
they’re still influencing our lives today,” says Leslie.“We believe God is    his life, but he made a tremendous impact,” explains Leslie.
transcendent in His nature… so He takes something that is ancient and
plants it in the present to wake us up.”                                      Oh restless heart, do not grow weary / Hold on to faith and wait
                                                                              The God of love He will not tarry / He is never late
“We are all poets and saints, we all have something to say, and
whatever we have to say comes from our places of brokenness.”                 Inspired by St. Augustine’s Confessions, “Rest In You” was prompted by
                                                                              cellist Cara Fox, who traveled to Europe with the team. Written in an
“They actually allowed themselves to suffer,” adds Jamie. “Most of us         hour, Leslie and David ran with Cara’s inspiration for the chorus: ‘This is
have shame about the past or anxiety about the future… ultimately, the        where my hope lies, this is where my soul sighs, I will always find my
deepest part of our soul wants to give glory to God and carry this love       rest in you…’
story forward. We are all poets and saints, we all have something to say,
and whatever we have to say comes from our places of brokenness.”             “Culturally we live in a place of hurry and distraction, fast paced… do
                                                                              more, get more, produce more,” Leslie offers. “Augustine had a similar
Creating the “soundtrack” for the experience, the Poets & Saints album        life. He was very intelligent, wanted to be challenged, chased a lot of
draws from a theological well as deep as its humanity is wide. From the       fame and money, and found himself sitting on a bench where he met
ambient opening of “Heaven Meets Earth” to the benediction of “Crea-          Jesus. It’s a beautiful story and a lot of people resonate with the need
tion Sings,” each song testifies to the limitless creativity and mercy God    for rest.”
has for His creation. The album’s first single, “I Surrender,” which was co-
written by Jason Ingram and inspired by the life of Saint Francis of Assisi,  This resonance plays out through the end of the song, in an unforgetta-
sets the tone for the collection.                                             ble, momentous way, repeating Augustine’s mantra: ‘You cannot change
                                                                              and yet You change everything.’
The riches of this world will fade / The treasures of our God remain
Here I empty myself to owe this world / Nothing and find everything           “Our hope is that in this, people will find connection, with one another
in You                                                                        and connection with God. A place of vulnerability and discovery where
                                                                              there is freedom and forgiveness… conversations that generate spiritual
Songs “Path of Sorrow,” inspired by William Cowper, and “My Roving            health, a ripple effect that changes people’s lives.”
Heart,” inspired by John Newton, continue the paradoxical themes of
God’s steadfast mercy and presence as His beloved wanders, incon-              Stand A Chance of winning 1 of 3 copies of
stant.                                                                         “Poets & Saints”, by sending your

“You Are Love and Love Alone,” a contagious melody with stripped-bare          name, physical address
instrumentation that mirrors the earnest simplicity of the lyric pays          and contact number to
homage to Saint Thérèse, a French Catholic nun who often referred    
to her spiritual devotion as “the little way.” The words for the song          with the subject line
were adapted from a 19th century hymn penned by English writer and             MyFaith Mag - ASAD
Westminster Abbey Cannon Frederic William Farrar. Honoring both
Thérèse and Farrar, the song is simply a message to “love in a simple,
meaningful way,” says Leslie. “It’s the little moments in life that make a
huge impact.”

This track, as with every turn on the album, explores new sonic territory     courtesy of Christian Art Distributors
for AS&D. “From jazz, bluegrass, country influences and Americana,
we really stretched our legs creatively, as far as sound goes,” David

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