Page 14 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
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The news comes just a few months after their announcement earlier this         • Just over 20 000 club members have been with the book clubs for
year that they would be closing up shop for good. An existing supplier         more than 20 years
showed an interest in the Clubs after learning of its fate, and the com-       • 10 000 have been club members for over 30 years
pany has subsequently been bought over from Media24.
IMD Logistics, the new owners, recognise Leisure Books/Leserskring             • 300 members have been part of the Clubs since its inception in 1980
– an establishment that has been part of South Africa’s DNA for more           • Within three weeks of the initial launch in 1980, 3 000 members had
than 35 years – as an important industry leader and feel strongly that the     joined
brand and its valuable service to readers throughout the country should
continue. IMD has developed innovative supply solutions for the effec-         • Since inception, the Clubs have sold over 40 million books in the last
tive distribution of a diverse music offering. This successful platform will   36 years
be used in the Leisure Books/Leserskring business to ensure sustain-
ability.                                                                       It’s not surprising, then, that when the Clubs first made known their plans
                                                                               to close its doors, the news caused an outcry among loyal members
It’s all hands on deck while remaining staff under the combined leader-        from around the country. Leisure Books/Leserskring was flooded with tel-
ship of the new owners and CEO Lana Barnett gets ready for the official        ephone calls, emails and messages on social media from thousands of
re-launch of both book clubs in August this year. Members can rest             heartbroken members. Some were personally addressed to CEO Lana
assured that there’s a strong focus to protect what was good about the         Barnett and appealed for the Clubs to be saved, while others reminisced
Clubs – those things South African book lovers have come to know and           about the joys of being a part of the Leisure Books/Leserskring family.
love.                                                                          They also commented on special customer service received from staff
Leisure Books/Leserskring’s suppliers and known personalities in the
book industry responded positively to the news. “It’s fantastic to hear that   • “What a disaster for those of us who reside in small towns, who sel-
Leisure Books/Leserskring will still be around,” says Nèlleke de Jager,        dom gets to the city, and who don’t experience the enjoyment of a good
fiction publisher at Human & Rousseau. “There are so many members              bookshop where we live,” writes Daleen Croucamp, member since 1983.
for whom it’s always been a lifeline, especially to Afrikaans books. With
so many books being released yearly it’s quite difficult to choose. Moreo-     • Danell Swart shares childhood memories and fondly remembers her
ver, Leisure Books/Leserskring offers: The best new fiction and non-           excitement when books from the Japsnoet series would arrive in the
fiction titles, and especially children’s books, handpicked and offered on     post. Recognising the influence the book clubs had in her life, she says,
a single platter. This is indeed good news for the local book industry, and    “I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for services rendered
of course also for the publishing industry.”                                   and good book choices given us. Thank you for cultivating a love of
                                                                               reading in me. The book club will be sorely missed.”
De Jager is not the only one who feels this way. Elmari Rautenbach, who
will once again be the editor of the quarterly club catalogue on behalf of     • A downcast Pat Wilson writes, “After 32 years (I have been a member
New Media Publishing, echoes this sentiment and is “unbelievably ex-           since 1984) of wonderful books and excellent service from all your staff,
cited” that Leserskring and its counterpart, Leisure Books, will continue      I am very sad to have to say farewell! I wish all the staff every blessing
to exist. “It’s an institution I grew up with. It brings book people together  for the future and hope that life will reward them for their excellence.”
and it makes choosing, especially Afrikaans books, easy in a time when
we’re all bombarded with information.”                                         CEO Lana Barnett will again be at the helm of the revival of this
                                                                               much-loved, heritage business and had this to say about the relaunch:
Kerneels Breytenbach, well-known author and chairperson of PEN Af-             “Through the years, it gave me great pleasure to walk into a home and
rikaans and the web portal SA Vryskutskrywer, calls the announcement           instantly recognise a carefully built-up book collection – books that could
the best news in years – good news for authors and readers.                    only have come from the Clubs. To know that this will continue, gives
                                                                               me great pleasure. We have an exciting journey ahead of us and look
Leisure Books/Leserskring played a vital role in the South African book        forward to the role our long-standing club members will play in that.”
industry for the past 36 years – here are some interesting facts:              Hard work and exciting times await the Leisure Books/Leserskring team.
                                                                               Certainly, with the support of new and existing members, the book clubs
14 | SEPTEMEBR 2016                                                            can and will triumph once again.

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