Page 6 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 6
The Word of God teaches us that the instant a human heart surrenders to Do we realise that not only has the God of this universe made us His holy
the love and Lordship of Jesus Christ, a magnificent, supernatural miracle habitation, but He desires that we have a full and complete understand-
takes place. The Holy Spirit of God, creates and transforms that human ing of exactly how glorious and immeasurable His power is in and for us.
spirit into the very nature of Christ (Romans 8:29). He enters in and dwells God’s power, activated inside of us, will cause us to overcome any chal-
in that recreated spirit, completely encompassing it with the full measure lenge or obstacle that would stand in the way of us living in His abundant
of the unlimited power of God (Romans 8:9-11)! Everything that makes life of victory and blessing!
God, Who He is, is tied up in the Person of the Holy Spirit. And that same
Spirit of God is alive inside of every child of God! If God desires for us to know and understand His power so that we can
operate in it, then we can be sure His word and Spirit will reveal exactly
So then, if you and I, being born again believers, have all of this unlimited, what we need to know to do that. I did a bit of digging myself, and found
immeasurable power, alive inside of us, what do we have to do to see it ac- some essential keys that will unlock and activate the unlimited power of
tivated and released in and through us? Can you just imagine how differ- God in our lives.
ent your world would be if you were able to unleash, that same power that
created the universe and sustains its existence? I imagine things would THE KEY OF KEEPING GOD’S WORD ALIVE IN OUR HEARTS!
look a lot different, if we were living from that power activated inside of us.
Since the word of God is alive and reveals the true nature and character
Ephesians 1:19 says, “...[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus of God, it’s the very best source of truth concerning God and His glorious
Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and power in and for us. In order to receive a revelation of who we are in Christ
revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] and Who God is in us, it’s essential for us to consistently renew our minds
knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so to the truth of God’s word, by continuously meditating on it. The more
that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, God’s word dominates our thinking, the more its truth becomes our day
and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), by day reality!
And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and
unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, While negative thoughts speak louder than the promises of God, fear and
as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,” doubt reign over our thoughts and decisions and despair overwhelms and
6 | SEPTEMBER 2016