Page 7 - MyFaith Mag September 2016 Compelte
P. 7

distracts us from knowing and experiencing the manifest power of God in         divine seed produces a joy that isn’t based on outward events or circum-
our lives. Even though that power is inside of us, in the form of the Holy      stances. In fact, when times get very challenging, the supernatural life of
Spirit, a person captivated by doubt and fear is unable to activate or oper-    God rises up inside us to defy that devilish pressure! This supernatural joy
ate in that power.                                                              will sustain us in even the hardest of times and it is released through our
                                                                                thanksgiving and praise!
Colossians 3:16, tells us to let the word of God dwell in us richly. That
means it has to be made to feel completely at home in our hearts! We            THE KEY OF LIVING THE COMMANDMENT OF LOVE!
need to welcome it and be excited and grateful to have its wisdom and
truth in us, knowing that it is life and peace and has the power to change      I have studied the word of God concerning how effective and potent the
everything about us!                                                            power of God inside of each believer is. There is no force in the universe
                                                                                that matches it. However, all that spiritual power is rendered utterly use-
That’s what it means in 2 Corinthians 3:18, when it says that our minds and     less if we act foolishly and entertain any form of unforgiveness or strife in
bodies change and transform into the image of our inner spirits (that were      our lives. Faith is the only force that will activate God’s unstoppable power
recreated into the image of Christ at our salvation). As we behold the truth    but it cannot and will not, operate if we are not living by the command-
of what God’s Word says we have and are - like looking into a mirror and        ment of love. The name of Jesus won’t work, our faith won’t work, all the
seeing its reflection; God’s power goes to work and changes us! Keeping         gifts of the Spirit won’t work - even praying in tongues will be foolishness
God’s word alive in our hearts transforms us from a place of glory to glory!    to us, unless we are walking in God’s love! Because love is the power
                                                                                charge! It’s the activator and conduit through which the power of God can
This is a large part of what that change or transformation looks like: James    flow! When we speak forgiveness over those who hurt or disappoint us,
1:21, “So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wicked-       and let every offence go, we allow the love and healing of God to fill every
ness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the           corner and space of our souls. The Bible clearly teaches us to pray for and
Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to          bless every one of those who have wronged us - not with our own love,
save your souls.”                                                               but with the love of God that freely flows inside of us. The minute we ut-
                                                                                ter those words of blessing, that river of God’s love becomes like a mighty
Honestly, I think too many of us underestimate the importance of keep-          torrent, it saves our souls and protects our minds from the onslaught of
ing the word of God alive in us. It’s probably the most important key to        the enemy! Then, as we remain in God’s love and an attitude of forgive-
keep our minds free from fear and our hearts full of faith. Jesus made          ness, that power flows powerfully into every circumstance that concerns
a big deal of this too! In John 15:9-13, He said to abide in the word so        us and destroys every plan the enemy has launched against us. Just like
that we can remain in His love, so that His joy (inner strength) will be in     the mighty Red Sea that closed over the Egyptian soldiers that pursued
full measure in us! The only way to overcome fear and doubt (the faith          the children of God, it will cover over and destroy the enemy’s strategy
killers), is to keep the word of God dominating our thoughts and steering       concerning you! So above all else, we are to be wise and walk in love - it
our lives! Remember, without faith, it’s impossible for the power of God        will cause us to be more powerful than the enemy can stand!
to be activated inside of us. And without the word alive in us, faith doesn’t   Keeping the word of God alive in our hearts, always having a thankful
grow, but its enemy fear does. The book of Proverbs urges us to make            heart and continuously walking in the love of God will activate the unlim-
the wisdom or word of God the principle thing in our lives, it has to be our    ited power of God that is in and for us. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us
final authority because it will protect, sustain and cause us to prosper by     to live and enjoy abundant life here on earth. A life free from doubt and
the power of God!                                                               fear and every oppression of the enemy. We can live on purpose, in the
                                                                                fullness of His blessing when we allow His power to manifest and flow
THE KEY OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE.                                             through us. Living in the full, unlimited power of God - there’s just no
                                                                                better way to live!
The word of God tells us to always give thanks, singing with grace in our
hearts to the Lord! (Colossians 3:15,16).

The phrase give thanks comes from a compound, Greek word, made up of
the words eu meaning, overwhelmingly good feeling; and charis meaning
grace. When we give thanks, it activates and becomes an outpouring of
grace from the depth of our hearts! We may begin the words of praise
from our minds, but as our hearts join in, the Spirit of God inside of us be-
gins to spontaneously fuel that praise into a powerful outpouring of grace!

You see, the Greek word for grace, as I mentioned, is charis. And derived       ANDRÉ AND JENNY ROEBERT are the senior pastors and co-founders of River
from this word, is the word chara. And do you know what the word chara          Ministries situated in East London, South Africa, incorporating various minis-
means? It means joy! In other words, joy (chara), is produced by the grace      tries, each geared to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the nations of
(charis) of God, that is released from inside of our spirits when we give       this world.
thanks, from our hearts to the Lord!                                            For more info visit:

This means joy isn’t a human-based happiness that comes and goes.
Rather, true joy is divine in origin, a fruit of the Spirit that is manifested
particularly in hard times. It is the manifest power of God, working in and
through us! Joy is the supernatural strength of God that empowers us
to stand strong and overcome any challenge we face in this life, and it’s
activated and released through thanks giving! Joy is a Spirit-given expres-
sion that flourishes best when times are strenuous, daunting, and tough!

  When the incorruptible seed of God’s word has been placed inside us, that     SEPTEMBER 2016 | 7

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