Page 19 - September USA 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 19




                             one vision one purpose

The Ride                                      Revival Radio TV                             Power Encounter

Legendary rodeo star Smokey Banks             As Senior Executive Pastor at Eagle          Donna Schambach, only daughter of the
(Michael Biehn) has been riding bulls all     Mountain International Church with Senior    late global evangelist, R.W. Schambach,
of his life. He’s been to the top and now     Pastors George and Terri Copeland            has been an educator, lecturer, pastor and
he’s hit rock bottom after a run in with the  Pearsons, Dr. Gene Bailey enjoys walking     evangelist. Whether in a church setting
law. Smokey’s faced with two choices: jail    out the Revival Capital of the World vision  or on the mission field, Donna is known
or volunteering to teach a Christian boy      God gave Kenneth Copeland. Revival           for bringing a powerful word of the Lord,
named Danny (Brock Pierce) how to ride        Man Dr. Gene Bailey explores Revivals        often prophetic in nature; and, as Donna
a bull. If it was easy, Smokey would be OK    and Awakenings with the assistance of        lays hands on the people, the Holy Spirit
with it. But you see, he’s got to give up     guests and historian experts.                accompanies the ministry with signs
drinking and gambling again.                                                               following.
                                               WEDNESDAYS @ 6:30 AM
 SEPTEMBER 03 @ 8PM                                                                         FRIDAYS @ 10PM

Daughters of Eve                              End of the Age                               Young Explorers

Daughters of Eve is an original docu-         Endtime Ministries focuses on explaining     A group of ten young people join filmmaker
drama series that takes the audience          world events from a biblical perspective.    Timothy Mahoney, Director of Patterns of
on a fascinating journey through the          The ministry’s purpose is to prove that we   Evidence: The Exodus, on an adventure
extraordinary lives of women from both        are now at the end of the era of human       to investigate amazing evidence that
the Old and New Testament. It reveals the     government and very near the beginning       matches the Bible. But there is more to
known and little known stories of these       of the prophesied Kingdom of God.            the investigation than Tim lets on. He has
remarkable women who helped shape                                                          a secret device, the Exploration Chamber.
the Judeo-Christian faith of hundreds of       SUNDAYS @ 6:30 PM                           This holographic space allows the explorers
millions of people, and whose worldwide                                                    to talk with real archaeologists and explore
impact is still felt today.                                                                ancient evidence.

 SATURDAYS @ 9:30PM                                                                         SATURDAYS @ 4PM


               PALATKA, FL: WJGV-CD
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