Page 14 - September USA 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 14

told me to stay quiet, because they wanted people to be-         However – a better answer is yes, because the fact is, books
lieve that everything that came out of that ministry was writ-   are far more personal than a car or a checkbook. When
ten by the ministry founder.                                     someone reads a book, they believe that the writing is com-
                                                                 ing from the heart of the author, and the writing style, the
I didn’t get any credit, but at least the check cleared.         content, and the message reflect the name on the cover.
                                                                 This is true especially in the Christian world, where the mes-
Is this a problem? Yes and no.                                   sage is often a spiritual message conveying eternal truth.

No, because often writers are often happy for the work,          That’s why at some level, when a pastor or ministry leader
plus, they offer an important service to leaders. They have      publishes a book with only his name on it he is making a
certain skills, and like a professional mechanic who fixes       unstated promise to the reader than the material is his, it’s
your car, or an accountant who keeps your books, some            coming directly from his heart and mind, and he’s person-
writers are happy to do the work and get a check. They           ally presenting it in the form of this book. That’s why when
have no desire to be famous, and actually enjoy writing for      possible, I recommend accurate credit on the book cover.
someone else – after all, it can pay very well. And there’s no
shame in using a “ghostwriter.” After all, you’re a business,    So is it wrong to hire a professional to help you write a book?
ministry, sports, political, or other leader, not a writer. You  Absolutely not. Many Christians would be shocked to see
have brilliant content, but not necessarily the skills to get    just how poorly some of our Christian leaders write, and
that message down into an engaging book.                         real professionals can take an anointed message from a
                                                                 man or woman of God and translate it into an exciting and
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