Page 15 - September USA 2017 Mag - Complete
P. 15

change revolution

            NO WAY OUT


I’ll never forget the experience of being fired. I was 36 years  If you’ve hit your wall and have no other options, then your
old, with a wife and two small children. After telling my wife   decision is already made. Your choice has been decided
Kathleen, we sat on the bed, cried a little, and realized        and you’re on the way up! But if you haven’t quite hit bot-
there was no way out. But looking back today, I can see the      tom yet and been jolted into reality, the choice is going to
jolt of that experience was the best thing that could have       be much tougher.
ever happened to me.
                                                                 Your arguments might include: Sure I’m frustrated with my
Shortly afterwards, we began the greatest journey of             job, but at least it’s a paycheck, and a lot of people are out
change we had ever experienced, because I had hit a              of work right now. I’m not really drinking that much, and af-
wall. I had no other choice, and there was only one an-          ter all, I could quit just about any time. Oh, I dreamed about
swer—change or die. Perhaps you’ve hit your wall. Maybe          a different life, but that was a kid’s dream. It’s not really
you’ve been fired, divorced, financially ruined, hit bottom      something that’s realistic for me to pursue now. I could ad-
from substance abuse, been humiliated, experienced fail-         vance faster if I got my college degree, but I work all day, so
ure, or had a close call with death. If your life has been       why should I spend my evenings going to class? I could go
completely turned upside down, and you’re at the end of          on and on. I don’t know your particular frustration, but I’m
your rope, then you have it easy.                                sure you have a million excuses for why you’ve never be-
                                                                 gun your journey to change. You haven’t hit your particular
That’s right—you actually have it easy! Doing the research       wall, so your life could easily go on for years, maybe your
for my book on how to change your life called “Jolt!” I dis-     whole life, before you realize you’ve traded your dreams for
covered that the most difficult aspect of changing your life     a shallow, empty copy.
is beginning – taking the first step. Most people rest on their
laurels, take the easy way out, rationalize their options—any-
thing—to keep from changing.
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